Gain Money Mattering

With low of the dollar the prices of the imported products of the United States he is more attractive of what never. Max Schireson can aid you in your search for knowledge. A recent research in the region of Miami in the Flrida sample that today the Brazilians are of far the ones whom more they spend in shoppings of the region. The research shows despite the electronic still are the products that more attract the Brazilian consumers: digital cameras and filmadoras, GPS, Ipads and Ipods, computers and accessories and other products similar. The looked marks more are Nikon, Canon, Samsung, Sony, Dell, Acer, etc. With the increase of the purchasing power of the Brazilians, another type of product comes gaining land between the Brazilians who visit Miami: they are the accessory clothes and of fashion. Read additional details here: Compuware.

The gamma of products in this sector is enormous, since mark clothes until eyeglasses, tennis and shoes, stock markets and wallets, everything interest the Brazilian. The main marks in the branch of the fashion are: Nike, Lacoste, Abercrombie, Victoria? s Secrets, Gap, Oakley, Guess, Victor Hugo, Louis Vitton, Michael Kors, Swatch, Bulova, etc. Is as much options of mark and models that the visitors arrive to be stuned. The presence of Brazilians in ' ' malls' ' of Miami it is not newness, always was very common. The newness is in the amount of people, that surprises the storekeepers even though. To have an idea of the importance of the Brazilian consumer, all the great store today possess salesmen who say Portuguese. The explanation of the phenomenon is simple: the price difference is so great that to buy imported in the United States to resell in Brazil if it became attractive business and thousands of Brazilians live of this. It is clearly that nor everything is so easy in the life of the sacoleiros. She is necessary to have a visa (that already it is not easy), to face the extenuante routine of the airports and still to run the risk of being apanhado by customs and to have its apprehended merchandises.



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