The Same

A construtivista conception necessarily does not breach with the form established in the memorandum of understanding to direct education, as for example, the expositivas lessons, the works of reading and interpretation of texts, the activities extraclassroom. (CAVALCANTE, 2002 p, 19). But it searchs of the professor is an incessant problematizao of the questions in classroom. The problematizao and the questionings are part of the practical socioconstrutivista, having as propeller spring the withdrawal of the blinders and of speeches that are gifts in the society, the concepts and the terminologies. Considering that a concept form or if is not constructed in the mind of the individual for direct transference, or for reproductive assimilation, the indications for the formation of concepts in education, in the line of a description-critical didactics, recommend to the confrontation of scientific concepts and daily concepts. (CAVALCANTE, 2002 p, 15). Beyond the problematizao the professor can approach the confrontations conceptual that petition the society and the geographic knowledge. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Petra Diamonds. The professor comes to manage its lesson and to mediate the debates that the same it will stimulate in its practises professor.

5.2 The paper of the pupil in Socioconstrutivista education. The pupil in this perspective comes to differentiate itself of the excessively practical ones of education for its participation in the elaboration of a reflexiva and not reproductive lesson. Having as beginning a partner-critical boarding of the learning. Therefore now the same he is knowledge constructor and not more passive being in relation to the knowledge. It is well-known, however, the agreement of if considering education as process of knowledge construction and the pupil as subject asset of this process and, in consequence, the emphasis in activities of education that allow the construction of knowledge as resulted of the interaction of the pupil with knowledge objects. (CAVALCANTE, 2002 p, 30). If before the pupil was aptico, indifferent and reproductive being of the knowledge, with this practical the same will be able to become an active being in its questionings and its routine citizen, being had as objective central office the social equality.

Argentine Minister

The Paranhos fit (Visconde of the Rio Branco), to present a memory to the Argentine Ministers Santiago Derqui (Interior) and Barnab Lopez (Exterior) of the government of Urquiza. Hear other arguments on the topic with ConocoPhillips. However, the results happened of this treating to 1857, had not been lasting, because in first place, two successive stated periods of ratifications had been loosers, postponing the final solution of the dispute; in according to place, the moment was unhappyly little favorable, in reason of the difficulties and of the alienations that at that moment appear then it enters the province of Buenos Aires and the Argentina Confederation. However, the treat one to 1857, being did not leave a historical document of great importance for future negotiations involving the missioneira region. Since this document was confectioned taking in account the treated one to 1750 and the landmarks of 1759, that it established the Rivers Uruguay, Pepiri-guau, Saint Antonio and Iguau, as recognized border. In the year of 1876, according to OAK, 1998, p.191, the Argentine Minister of the Irigoyen exterior made proposals in view of new instructions the commissioners nominated for both the governments (Brazil and Argentina), disdaining, thus, the 1759 works. However, the Imperial Government did not accept the proposals, but it made a counterproposal that was refused by the Irigoyen Minister. He gave himself then of this form, for finished the mission it Baron Aguiar de Andrada, who had been nominated for Cotegipe to decide, in Buenos Aires, the question of limits.

The territory called Missions, always consisted for independent Brazil, in an area of security and defense, indispensable for the communications of the Rio Grande Do Sul with the remaining portion of the country. From there the interest, of Brazil stops with this region. also, therefore, the fields of Palmas and re had been early busy (of 1836 the 1840). in this conjuncture, in the year of 1850, already we counted there about 30.000.00 heads of cattle.

Agnes Heller

According to Patto, 1993: In view of advancing the marxist thought in the direction to give to account of the questions politics, social and economic that emerge in century XX, Agnes Heller dedicates sociological construction of a theory that presents philosophical alternatives and for questions that could not have been placed for Marx and its followers until recently, in the measure where they are current challenges. Using itself the constatao of that the subjectivity (in the direction of the individuality, the person, the citizen) was banished of the historical materialistic thought, it rescues it to Heller it places and it in the center of the historical process, understood as expression of the man in search of its humanizao. One of its main contributions to the marxism contemporary it is, therefore, the rank of the thematic one of the individual in the center of the reflections. individual the one that if it relates is not an abstract or bonanza individual, but yes the individual of the daily life, that is, the individual directed toward the necessary activities to its survival. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Petra Diamonds. Part of its writings is dedicated to the definition of the concept of ' ' daily life in general ' ' , that is, to the characterization of usual, independent life in the way of effective production. The daily life is the life of all man, therefore it does not have who is it are of it, and the man all, in the measure where, in it, all are ranks in functioning its directions, the intellectual and manipulative capacities, feelings and passions, ideas and ideologies. In other words, it is the life of the individual and the individual is always to be particular and to be generic (for example, the people works – an activity of the human sort -, but with particular motivations; they have feelings and passions – human being-generic manifestations -, but reveal in particular, cited way I and service of the satisfaction of individual necessities and the teleologia; the individuality contains, therefore, the particularitity and the genericidade or the human being-generic one). .

Meteorological Equator

This area also is called Meteorological Equator. TROPICAL OR TEPID MASSES In accordance with Coutinho (1991), are air masses that the temperature is a half term between equatorial hot air and polar cold air for being formed next to the tropics of Capricrnio and Cncer. Having humidity below of the dew point, determining barren and half-barren climates. They present limpid air and steady because they present negative gradients, that is, the temperature diminishes from top to bottom. This process causes the existence of an inversion layer, or another abnormality, as for example, the mass to be more cold in low hotter on. The tepid masses are divided in: Tepid Kalaariana, Tepid Atlantic and Tepid Pacific.

Tepid Massa Kalaariana (MTK) This mass moves in all the stations of the year in the desert of the Kalaari, in Africa, for the Brazilian northeast coast of south for north. In the winter, it goes until the south of Mato Grosso, causing the dry winter of Central Brazil. According to Coutinho (1991), the Tepid Kalaariana is composed of two layers: a cool and humid inferior, had its oceanic trip, getting rid in the coast provoking relief rains, influenced for Frente Polar Atlntica (FPA). To another superior he is hot and he dries, acting in the interior. Thus, the Kalaariana mass has its stability guaranteed for an inversion layer that remains the entire year. Atlantic Tepid Massa (MTA) is originated in the centers of high pressures of the South Atlantic and presents sea characteristics, beyond being one of the main masses that influence the climatic types of Brazil. It possesss temperature and raised humidity, and by means of chains of north-east east and the tropicalidade of the Brazilian climate is attracted for the ciclonais areas that if form on the continent, bringing much humidity and heat, strengthening. Mendona (2007), affirms this mass acts all during the year in the climates of Brazil, mainly in the littoral portion, that had its relief, provokes rain sufficiently, mainly in the summer.

Menezes Social

The group also develops action of social assistance, since it works with a public who to times meet below of the poverty line. The work of the group Woman Wonder was if expanding in geographic and thematic terms and looks for to work subjects that contribute for the desconstruo of the violence that each day increases and searchs combat alternatives the misery, to the infanto-youthful marginalizao at last, the social exclusion, facing fighting the violence domesticate sexual, poverty, in a perspective of social justice and for the construction of the peace. School Esprita Cristina de Menezes (Figure 7) among others, of these institutions people if had detached just helping the removed people of the recifense center and that they looked the mounts to fix dwelling. Figure 7: School Esprita Cristina Menezes de Discovered Albuquerque in New. 25 L. 0287869. UTM: 9114230: Photo; Dario Galdino, (2010). The research has shown that the calls social institutions already previously cited have exerted the paper before practised by the authorities and in an just-inhabited place. These institutions are comings well, therefore they help the communities if to organize to search its rights, guaranteed for the legislation of the moment, Institution these many times relegated to as the plain one for the managing agencies of the public politics, None another agency has the characteristics of these institutions, since the same ones live with the local population and feel the unpreparedness of them to be organized in its lawsuits and thus to be awarded with the public improvements, therefore the public services must be placed the disposal of the society and in any space where the man if makes use to develop its action. The territorial comment is a form to glimpse the distinct scales and its ' ' desconstrues' ' , as well as cyclical for which it still passes and depending on each carried through research and that its author wants to transmit, thus affirms the text below: According to Marcelo de Souza (1995,81); Territories exist and are constructed (and desconstrudos) in the most diverse scales () territories are constructed (e desconstrudos) inside of most different the secular scales () territories can have a permanent character, but also they can have cyclical periodic existence.

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