ATI Issa

The first thing that draws the attention of Ati Issa Ahmed is his good-natured grandfather smile; the second thing is the verbal fluency characteristic of whom life has been dedicated to the world of business; the third thing is the number of events that has gone through in his life and that make it worthy of a novel of action or a good screenplay. Our character was born in Cienaga, magdalena, of May 2, 1941 in Arabic marriage formed by Said Issa and Zeger Ahmed. Since very young had a special business spark and became a prosperous businessman on the island of San Andres. One day heard the good business that they were at a certain point of the Caribbean called Maicao and came to explore new possibilities. He put his foot for the first time in land maicaera in March of 1964, and since then not has failed to dissociate itself from the border, among other things because here he met Morales Miryam, the woman of his dreams, which challenged the order of his father who, faithful to Eastern traditions, had planned marry a Muslim girl. For more information see this site: Abby Black Elbaum. To prevent this Ati he found no better solution that hasten your marriage with Shishir. Aided by an Italian friend he persuaded the pastor of the Church, also Italian, so you marry it to 1 in the morning of Thursday, March 18, 1965. This disobedience to parental authority caused more of one problem, including the lost his store and, for a time, solid commercial and economic stability that had been achieved in Maicao.

At the end of year hindu trader Baghandas Tikandas Mayani led him to work with him in their companies in Panama, where later moved it to San Andres, to serve a large number of clients, among whom was his own father who was still distanced. However, the love of both and the mediation of his mother Lady, facilitated the reconcilio. But Maicao called him and did not hesitate to return to this land, which was allowed to progress and to found a family. Did not hesitate to return to take charge of new and flourishing commercial establishments: warehouse Riviera, Electro and House Bees. On the other hand love with Miryam, beautiful born woman in home for the matron Morales Clodomira, continued to grow. Together they formed a large family consisting of seven children: Zeger, Yalila, Said, Indira, Walid, Carolina and Nathali.

ATI Isa Ahmed is one of those restless citizens and deeply passionate with what they do. When he converses with him feel an atmosphere of peace and begins to feel a climate of hope. Today, after that Miryam, his beloved Miryam and Yalila, the second of his daughters, are you prejudged in the journey towards eternity, spends his days dedicated to comply as a father and grandfather consentidor. But enough time for their occupational activities which complies with the same energy of March 1964 when he had the courage enough to interrupt the sleep of a severe priest to tell him: father, I got married please look that this is an emergency. Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. It is often invitadocomo lecturer at congresses, forums and other academic events.



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