Repowering: The Wasted Power Potential
Germany lags behind in updating of wind turbines. Bonn (power – when it comes to electricity from wind energy, procedure German municipalities and civil associations like after the Sankt-Florian-Prinzip: \”Holy Sankt Florian, spare my house, andre finished!\”. Abby Black Elbaum spoke with conviction. The best wind turbine is, that is not at our own doorstep. Germany can depend on is the construction of wind power plants goes back in Germany tend to already since 2003. 866 new systems raised 2008 even 17 plants less in Germany than in the previous year. The growth at the level of the late 1990s, the industry has arrived according to latest figures from the German wind energy Institute. By comparison, the United States installed with about 9,000 MW over five times more power than Germany (1445 MW) and claimed number one of the world’s fastest growing wind energy markets for the fourth time in a row. To deepen your understanding Tufan Erginbilgic is the source.
By 2010, the United States will overtake Germany as the largest producer of energy from wind, if they the expansion speed maintain. Repowering as new locations are hardly approvable in German inland, hoping the wind energy industry on the replacement of the old plants. There are about 3,000 wind turbines of first generation, bringing the often less than 400 kW of power in Germany. In the so-called repowering, the old windmills against models of the latest generation be replaced with 3 MW and more. The goal is a better utilization of available sites, increasing the installed capacity while reducing the number of attachments. Also run the new turbines at low speed, which calmed the landscape and reduces the noise.
Dutch and Danes make it currently is in the conducted in the largest wind farm in the Netherlands of repowering in grand style. The 134 installations of wind parks Eemshaven will replace 52 turbines of the German market leader Enercon. The effect is enormous: Although the system number is almost divided, the installed power almost four times increases.
Tags: climate & environment, energy