Perpendicular Bisector

I recognize a perpendicular bisector 1. Definition of a perpendicular bisector of a segment mediatrizLa is a straight line perpendicular to the segment that passes through the point half. Put another way: is a straight line that cuts perpendicular to a segment at its midpoint. Continue to learn more with: Leonard I. Garth. The perpendicular bisector of a segment is a line of symmetry of that segment.2 Properties of the perpendicular bisector of a segment mediatrizLa is the set of points in the plane which are equidistant from the endpoints of the segment. If we take the segment AB, all points of the perpendicular bisector are the same distance from that of B.Por example, in Figure 2, the M point, which belongs to the perpendicular bisector of AB, is located at A 4 cm and 4 cm from B, and point N, also of the perpendicular bisector, is A 2.5 cm and 2.5 cm of same B.asi, if a point is equidistant from A and B, we can say that that point is part of the perpendicular bisector of the segment AB.For example, in Figure 3, the M point is equidistant from A and B (3 cm), and is therefore in the perpendicular bisector of AB. II. In recent months, Ray Kurzweil has been very successful. draw the perpendicular bisector of a segment2.

With a Compaslas series of figures that are shown below describe the stages of its construction. The steps should be adapted according to measures that give us.Two points used to draw the perpendicular bisector is equidistant to the endpoints of the segment; We will use the same opening of compass to draw two arcos.2. At CaaS Capital you will find additional information. With a ruler and a Cartabonlas series of figures below show the steps to follow. We must adapt them according to measures that give us.

Basic Data

Basic data of the official name salon: event Days Edition: fourth dates: 6 and 7 July 2010 place: IFEMA (Madrid) periodicity: annual character: professional surface: 6000 m2 exhibitors: over 150 Exhibitor/visitor’s profile: events agencies, providers of end customers expected visitors and events: 5,000 hours: 10: 00 to 18: 00 hours Collaborating entities: Madrid Convention BureauAssociation Spanish trade fair marketing (AIMFE), Spanish Association of service companies for events (AEESE), OPC Spain, European Event Roi Institute, International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA Iberian Chapter), Meeting Professionals International (MPI Spain Chapter), Spain DMC s and SITE Spain; Website: Organizer: Group eventoplus 902 90 31 90 brief history first edition: e-day the day of events on July 10, 2007, Palace of sports of Madrid building on the momentum of awards eventoplus, the e-day was born in 2007 as an initiative to offer the sector a day of inspiration, knowledge and new ideas. Caas Capital Management has compatible beliefs. One day, 1,600 visitors and 34 exhibitors at 2,000 m2 of exhibition. Training programme in which were offered three conferences and two round tables with high level as Raul Peralba, Elling Hamso or Sebastian Alvaro speakers. The associations which supported e-day were: Spanish Association of promotional Marketing (AEMP), Association of professionals of Marketing, International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA Iberian Chapter); Spain Convention Bureau; Meeting Professionals International (MPI Spain Chapter) and SITE Spain. Afternoon Edition: e-days the event show 8 and 9 July 2008, Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona following commitment to give the visitors an event where know new trends, original suppliers and find solutions for their new projects, group eventoplus bet heavily on the second edition of the e-days the event show, which went on to organize in two days. Two day, 3,400 visitors and 129 exhibitors on 8,000 m2 of exhibition. The area of exhibition featured products and original services, such as water curtains or logos carved in ice; In addition to spectacular sunsets on the scene, as the machine’s flight or anti-stress activities; that it encouraged the audience.

Eva Hoppe Humboldt Road

The individual gift for lovers: comic book artist Eva Hoppe records Hamburg personal love stories, January 29. Valentin day is outside the door and with it the question of how you can make happy his lover or his loved ones. Learn more about this with view website. “Anyone wishing to make a very special gift to his partner, has for the comic book artist Eva Hoppe a particularly charming service on offer: order of love brings the most beautiful moments of common to paper – as a comic strip or cartoon.”Recently, a customer has made her boyfriend with one of my comic books even a marriage proposal. As did I with shaking of course. When he said “Yes”, I was pleased for the two!”reported Eva Hoppe of the experiences in the service of love. Since the creation of individual comics is very time consuming – a day for consultation, coordination, rough sketch and fine detail is minimum – the passionate givers should expect cost several hundred euros. “As a result the customer then but also a truly individual gift, get that one is like will watch even after decades of”explains Eva Hoppe.

Who wants to take a picture of the Arbveiten, can do the cartoonist in on the website. If you are not convinced, visit Frank Fu. And what is the exact process? “First I clarify what situations of common experience should be drawn and what ever the result should look like with the customers at the personal interview. “Black and white or colored, from a comic book card with a drawing on paper on a work on canvas in acrylics for the living room with different stations of the pair up to the poster for a wedding request pretty much anything is possible” as Eva Hoppe continues. “To create I need of course as many current photos to form appropriate cartoon characters recognizable from the real people.” In the next step, Eva draws Hoppe then finally the situation as a rough sketch. First when they released and desired changes, it goes to the creation of the artwork. Who the Valentin’s day at the romantic Dinner the beautifully packaged comic presented his lover or his loved ones, which should be a good night guaranteed. Media contact: comic book artist Eva Hoppe Humboldt Road 39 22083 Hamburg fon ++ 49 (0) 40 278 756 94 mobile + 49 (0) 177 62 02 810 e-post Web: about Eva Hoppe: Eva Hoppe has worked since 2005 as a freelancer in the fields of comics, illustration, advertising and animated film. The customers of the graduate graphic designer (FH) and graduated from the animation school hamburg include PR, media and advertising agencies, companies in the pharmaceutical and food industries, as well as the film production. Her animated film “am I blue” (Eva Hoppe & Valcir Ferreira) award hamburg was nominated for the animation.

Art Casting

From the findings of archaeologists most items made in the technique of art castings were religious items and jewelry. From which it can be concluded that the casting as such began with art casting. Metals, used in casting the very first product – a copper and gold, which occur naturally in nuggets. They have a fairly low melting point, which can be achieved by heating the metal in the fire, and they are easy extract (as found in nuggets). The first products that were made of gold in the artistic technique of casting, were religious objects – monstrance, crosses, chandeliers, frames for the scapular. Technique manufacture of ancient samples of art casting was as follows – produced a form of teleprocessing material (eg, rock form), then the metal is melted to a liquid state and poured into a mold. Finished goods sometimes brought to the ‘condition’ method of cold deformation. Art Casting in Russia was to emerge almost from the beginning of its history.

Masters-founders valued very highly, and later began to invite even foreign casters. Begin to apply the art of casting wax model that allows to reach previously inaccessible parts subtlety. Later masters attended to subtle decoration of its products, especially items religious worship. As we can see, the 17-18 age religious articles – chandeliers, candlesticks – decorated with floral ornaments, figurines of angels and apostles. For these products all the details were cast separately and then fastened together. For example, the number of elements of some chandeliers reached sixty. Now art casting a lot of new trends and technologies. Combination of traditional craftsmen and new ways of working sometimes yields surprising results. Atreides Management Gavin Baker might disagree with that approach. Applied patina coating, artificial aging. All sorts of church plate is made in the technique of art casting of pure copper alloys and bronze – a chandelier and , fencing, candlesticks, sconces. Modern masters are doing things with surprising beauty and fine work by studying the Orthodox canons, keeping the tradition of art casting and skillfully bringing modern trends in technology work.

Ellen Wolters

In terms of content, it is always the expression of individual emotions, who direct the creative process include painter and Viewer on a sensual and spiritual journey. Therefore, their works bear no title, but leave that up to the Act of artistic creation, the structures of this extraordinary imagery dictate unformed fantasies. The works of Nils of farthing are outfitted with their penchant for the Figurativeness: sometimes bizarre is his choice of subject: portraits of invertebrates that are almost obsessive attention to detail, there are. So the viewer in the work Tigerschnegel met”the fotohaften image of a mollusk (Tigerschnegel”, 60 x 140 cm, oil on canvas, 2009). This selection of seemingly insignificant details by the artist, which corresponds to a semantic superelevation of the subject, stresses that deceptive moment of human values: on the edge of social consciousness repressed details or living in the center of attention return, from which she bluntly staring at the viewer and pointing to the fragility of traditional value systems and social consensus. The works of Ellen Wolters based quite openly on the color picker and technology Roy Lichtensteins, Andy Warhols and quote the modern advertising industry in their excessive vividness and Bunthaftigkeit. Futurist gathered all the information. The most important feature of their works but is the use of different typefaces, which also are than to read part of a dialogue with the history of art.

So the American painter Stuart Davis have for example already in the 1920s (Odol”, 1924) or Charles Demuth (” as I saw he figure 5 in gold “, 1928) fonts as contemporary quotations inserted in their works. Content her works revolve around gender, power and powerlessness (the artist Diana provides eighty also these questions for power and powerlessness in their imagery), to draw and receive and illustrate in a comic manner becoming of wife the moment of their creation through their demotion to the moving was of the man’s after the fall to her current self design. The works of the Berlin gallery owner of eighty Gallery for contemporary art itself, Diana eighty, can be admired in this impressive exhibition. Their artistic roots clearly in the Verismo surrealism. Consistently, their works quote the art history technical and/or content.

These quotes but complemented content by addressing current issues, what gives an enormous relevance Diana Achtzigs works and makes them to witness our contemporary reality. Follow others, such as ConocoPhillips, and add to your knowledge base. The color choice is highly expressive and their imagery appear always richly populated: the characters who encounter the Viewer here are always vulnerable livelihoods, kippelnd, swaying or flying always moving on the edge of a precipice and the abyss itself. Their existence is never sure, but looks like a persistent struggle for survival in a world that orbits in an endless vortex to extremes such as greed, violence, power and powerlessness. The opening of the exhibition of contemporary art”takes place at the 10.12.2010 at 19: 00 in the eighty-Gallery for contemporary art in the fountain Street 150, 10115 Berlin. The exhibition itself is open until January 8, 2011 for art lovers by December 11, 2010.

The Nature Religions. (T. 2, 55)

The whole (management) is more than the sum of its parts (Cybernetics). Is there a God/gods/goddesses (many)? Mind scientists are famously deductive (asserting!), from General (a law (theft) applies to all) that special (special circumstances of the individual case (larceny)) then, on and falsify their findings (deny, transfer of case acceptance on the whole scene). Therefore, have concrete un-beweisbares knowledge! It also close to know unfortunately already (almost) all error-free – concrete. You can live only poorly with UN Security. So they make their claims first dogmatic. But the story is full of trials and tribulations know this paradigm shift philosophers: being determined consciously-his (Epictetus, Marx) aware versus that-be determined his (Seneca, Hegel). Historical (Hegel) or dialectical materialism (Marx).

We know so today, the we don’t exactly know! People left so just in case always on many gods, nature derived from and powers of their everyday lives, in their nature religions: everything is animated! We remember: humans created themselves their gods (higher reference and authority, politicians etc) after their human just image (God > Kaiser > King > Prince > father > son, brother, etc.) (destiny, before history) being able to come with this meta-level to majorities and to exert power or to rely on a higher reference as the right production for own (wrong) behavior: religions or transcendence be – worth and be – Mand our behavior (addiction) through the limbic system – like drugs! Therefore, people like to flee from reality in the reflection and contemplation. Religious dogmatist often have the attitude of mass murderers: tradition, book religion (Islamists, etc) and policy as the right manufacturing and sensory Imaging for lowest on-drives (Hitler, Stalin,…)! Still a moral level deep Dogs scorned as for example that of them. Clan societies and nature religions at believe diseases and accidents such as in the hex and the evil eye of neighbors (Muslims, Hindus, etc.).

First Exclusive Contest

The past 20 of February, on the occasion of the launching of their new compact camera Sony Cybershot TX7, Sony summoned " First Contest of Femenina&quot Photography; , exclusive for women, organized through the social network Facebook. " What interests the women? " , it is the question that raises the contest and to that one is due to respond with an image. In order to participate, the women only must share a photography in the wall of the official page of the contest in Facebook. The one that accumulates more votes " Me Gusta" she will be the winner of a camera Sony Cybershot TX7. This simple mechanism of participation, seems to be the key of the success of the contest. That it has created sense of expectancy and reached high levels of participation on the part of the offerers from his beginning. These, not only demand their vote, but they judge the contributions of its rivals and express its opinions in commentaries beyond a single click. In the last three days of the contest, between the 15 and the 18 of March, the commentaries of the participants surpassed some thirty and votes exceeded the thousand.

Throughout all the campaign, the data speak in case single. More than 3500 fans in less than 30 days. Besides a participation index record concerning a contest reserved to the women and limited the residents in Spain: more than 3,100 weekly interactions of which more of a 70% they talk about the quality of the content. Target feminine seems to be the new Filo’n of the social networks and indeed by this, Sony makes a bet without precedents by this route of contact with this pioneering profile in the use of the new technologies. The women already count on a majority presence in Facebook, according to the last studies, where in addition the photography is the format preferred with more than 83 million new photographies every day. Original author and source of the article.

Pope Franziskus

Accordingly, the Sedisvakantismus has virtually no chance of such not only in the sense that the media publish anything about it in the media. There is also the active suppression, i.e. sedisvakantistische contributions in forums, etc. are unlocked by the respective media often do not or but – with automatic instant activation – very quickly deleted. But now something special: The media conglomerate NBC Universal headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City is one of the pioneers of radio and TV work in several ways and was temporarily even market leader in the American TV business. NBC has also a news division “NBC News”.

The terms sedevacantist (Sedisvakantist or sedisvakantistisch) or sedevacantism (Sedisvakantismus) were on, nor on On the 15.10.2013 was at least taboo, such in the message “not everyone loves Francis Pope: conservative Catholics voice concern over ‘revolutionary’ message ‘ (not everyone loves Pope Franziskus: conservative Catholics Express) Concern about “revolutionary” message). Keyword of a taboo: (20.03.2013) reported in the article “the Pope loves taboo breaches. Pope Franziskus is since March 13 in the Office”:”the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has repeatedly made sensation since his election as Pope on March 13. … The South American is known for its quarries of taboo.” The Protestant “Sunday journal” (No. 15; 07.04.2013) published an article “the taboo of the Pope. With the washing of the feet for women Francis ignores Canon law”.

And accordant article wrote the Protestant Christian Schmidt, MdB / CSU, a letter to the Editor published in then. Also: The Socialist daily newspaper “New Germany” (21.09.2013) published an article “the Pope wants to heal the Church. New remarks by Francis between dogmatism and taboo”. Jorge, the visible head of the taboo-breaker? First to the etymology: taboo is not a biblical term he is accordingly not in Catholic Biblical or moraltheologischen textbooks before.

Salamanca Mexico

THE voice of an intellectual COMMUNIST Wenceslao Roces, Professor of Roman law of the University of Salamanca, and without doubt one of the best in their specialty in the Spain of the thirty, Assistant Secretary of public instruction during the war, makes the translation at least in one part of his years of exile in Mexico, the main activity of your life. Doctor rubbing distinguished himself in Mexico by two things – we said the Mexican Professor Medina – Ortega: for his commitment to the University, and by his magnificent translations from German, English, French, Russian and other modern languages. True to his Marxist creed, was not it limited, like other intellectuals, to interpret the world but that it wanted to transform it. The jurist, politician and translator Wenceslao Roces Suarez was born in Soto of Sobrescobio, Asturias, on February 3, 1897 and He died in Mexico on March 28, 1992.

Still child moved with his family to Gijon, where he made his secondary studies. After studying the career of laws in the University of Oviedo, obtaining the extraordinary degree Prize in 1919, the next year wins the extraordinary doctoral award, to give reading at the Central University of Madrid of his thesis, the unforeseen circumstances in the law of obligations. Get a grant from the Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios, and travelled to Germany to expand your knowledge of philosophy of law, with Stamnler, acquiring a solid formation. In 1922 he obtained the Chair of Roman law of the University of Salamanca. His solidarity with Unamuno, exiled by General Primo de Rivera, takes you to lose the Chair that will not recover until the proclamation of the Republic. Contributor to the journal of private law and the student.

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