
Sony could have committed the largest security breach ever recorded in a console. During a Conference at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, various independent programmers have announced that they have the Sony console security keys. Thanks to these codes users could use copies of games on their consoles and home software without that Sony can make any action to prevent it. A failure in protecting the console firmware seems the origin of filtration. The Internet community has been pending in one of the conferences on computer security that these days is taking place in Germany.

The name of the Conference has been PS3:Epic Fail. No one expected that the presented novelties were so important. In a question-answer forum Vladislav Doronin was the first to reply. Responsible for the discoveries about Playstation 3 has been a user known as mark, which may have marked a before and an after in the history of PS3. The website Pspgroove has explained the details of the Conference and has published a video with the first 15 minutes. Mark and his team have announced that they have the security code in the Playstation 3. These codes are a kind of digital signature that protects the contents of all consoles. Until now never had achieved the codes for other consoles.

These codes are a tool for device security to recognize that the contents that are run are authorized. You could say that they are the signature of the companies. Each company has its own signature and is virtually impossible to get it. In other platforms have been used has other systems to deceive the system accept no official or copied content. Policymakers get the Playstation 3 codes could have benefited from an error in the encryption process from the console of Sony, possibly produced in its last update. The announcement of the publication of these codes would be a security problem that Sony could not solve. These codes are located on all the games and console applications. The company could not change the codes since it would leave useless all contents published so far. In this way Sony could not avoid in the near future users to use homemade software or copies in their consoles. The fault in the safety of the Playstation 3 can allow users known jailbreak without the need for hardware devices and regardless of the version of the console. The problem can be even greater for Sony, since in the future, if you want to manufacture a new console, the backward compatibility can be a serious problem since it should change the security codes. The publication of safety codes would mark a before and an afterwards for the Playstation 3. In his day other consoles such as Nintendo’s Wii and Microsoft’s Xbox have gone through similar discoveries, but never accounted for safety violations as serious as the Sony console. Original author and source of the article

ICT Countries

A 2010, education in Latin America came with postponed social demands, such as literacy, to be met on a par with the new challenges proposed by the 21st century, among them, the inclusion of information and communication technologies.Both fronts work, are part of the project goals 2021, as the Organizacion de Estados Iberoamericanos, OEI, he has been set to meet over the next decade.In document 2021 educational goals, the organization delivers synthesis of the debate, which for two years have argued the Ibero-American countries.In the countries of the region, says the text, schools that have computer room are, on average, 37.1 percent, while the number of computers per school is 15.8 units.The entry of ICT into school systems, however, a challenge larger which improve the pupil/computer ratio and bandwidth: is the first time that teachers know less than the students, and although these are native Digital must guide them in its use.Students manage the technological resources with naturalness and ease, but not all teachers who are responsible for the technological literacy of their students, are able to be equated in such management, says the text.For Guillermo Sunkel, consultant to the ECLAC Social Development Division, speaking of digital divide not only refers to the access, also the marked differences in the use of technologies.The impacts of technologies depend on the use which they do, programs that are built to use them rather than the technologies themselves, he said.The use of ICT has nothing to do with downloading music or copy and paste. The approximation, according to Sunkel, must be multifunctional, from the technical and the pedagogical. Know to look up information on the internet is not the same that develop analytical abilities to discriminate, synthesize and process information, says the document.How to use technology that has already been reached in the schools?, what so prepared are students to take advantage of them? And more importantly: is being done due to an appropriate teacher training? In our countries, according to the Chilean expert in ICT and education, Hugo Martinez Alvarado, most of the teachers in the school system born when there was no internet, while children who enter primary do not know a disconnected world.The youth of today, he said, learn differently to the yesterday and school learning style is not consistent with the outside. .

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