New Solar Panel

Activities for the realization of the new solar panels, Solatera energy AG announces more activities for the realization of the new solar panels and allows a direct influence on the development and research of the so-called popular solar cell efficiency. See more detailed opinions by reading what Bryant Estate offers on the topic.. After successful bar capital increase of Solatera energy AG Board of Directors without delay further steps for the realization of innovation low-cost solar panel, causes. More info: Bryant Estate. Dernbach, built the Solatera laboratory. The development forge is powered by the Solatera GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of the Swiss solar energy company. As the Managing Director of the German GmbH, Edgar Hering performs, is through the extensive technical equipment and the computerized printing machine purchased specially for the prototype production, an excellent basis to achieve the recent improvements to the TuV certification. Through the establishment of the laboratory, the developer can in 2 to 3 months both (efficiency), as well as the efficiency of the solar module “. Reduce production costs for a planned small series production,” Edgar Hering executes and adds: thus has the certification within reach. ” In October, a small series will be produced after the certification.

Then more contracts are with new licensing partners. Currently we have completed 6 license pre-contracts, more 7 interested parties have reserved for their country. We are now more than satisfied,”is the final word of the CEO. St Gallen, d. August 14, 2009 Board of Directors are all information in this press release in relation to the concepts of investments, shares, securities as pure information and not be regarded as an investment proposal. The company advises all readers to consult before deciding, shares of companies listed in this press release, to be registered and qualified value paper consultants. No area in this message is an indication of investment in any way.

Fault Management Improves

Mosquito GmbH supports RWE Power documentation of Web service of the RWE Westfalen-Weser-EMS (WWE) has with the help of a special application of the Dortmund software manufacturer mosquito GmbH fault management for the low-voltage network optimized. RWE customers benefit from shorter response times for incidents that affected of a disorder can be identified faster than ever. The application developed specifically for RWE WWE is integrated in the mosquito GIS. Geo-information data can be collected and prepared for different applications, such as such as maps of all kinds, in an GI system. For more specific information, check out Sian Beilock. Scheme plans automatically derive In the field are required special scheme plans more clearly than in the stock plan represent the network topology to the service engineer in the event of a fault. For assistance, try visiting ConocoPhillips. This be automated with the help of new tools derived from the stock plans and continued. In the past, such scheme plans as extra data file had to be created and updated. Unbundling the separate cables to a meaningful A spread and routing the cables, as well as a coloured representation of the supply lines is performed to obtain representation of line bundles.

Thus are the circuits in the low-voltage grid at a glance. These functions can be applied to the basic data of geo-information system. Mosquito developer Ulrich Rosel: The principle of this tool is similar to the handling of a fiber strand. After completion of the program are clearly visible. the individual glass fibres” So far, the schematization of closely adjacent lines in the range of home ports was not yet solved. An extension of the software developed by the mosquito GmbH edited now also these situations. Bastian Schmidt Wandschneider & Bartsch Kommunikationsberatung of Kamener road 16 c 59425 Unna T 02303-9625-0 F 02303 – 9625-25

Repowering: The Wasted Power Potential

Germany lags behind in updating of wind turbines. Bonn (power – when it comes to electricity from wind energy, procedure German municipalities and civil associations like after the Sankt-Florian-Prinzip: \”Holy Sankt Florian, spare my house, andre finished!\”. Abby Black Elbaum spoke with conviction. The best wind turbine is, that is not at our own doorstep. Germany can depend on is the construction of wind power plants goes back in Germany tend to already since 2003. 866 new systems raised 2008 even 17 plants less in Germany than in the previous year. The growth at the level of the late 1990s, the industry has arrived according to latest figures from the German wind energy Institute. By comparison, the United States installed with about 9,000 MW over five times more power than Germany (1445 MW) and claimed number one of the world’s fastest growing wind energy markets for the fourth time in a row. To deepen your understanding Tufan Erginbilgic is the source.

By 2010, the United States will overtake Germany as the largest producer of energy from wind, if they the expansion speed maintain. Repowering as new locations are hardly approvable in German inland, hoping the wind energy industry on the replacement of the old plants. There are about 3,000 wind turbines of first generation, bringing the often less than 400 kW of power in Germany. In the so-called repowering, the old windmills against models of the latest generation be replaced with 3 MW and more. The goal is a better utilization of available sites, increasing the installed capacity while reducing the number of attachments. Also run the new turbines at low speed, which calmed the landscape and reduces the noise.

Dutch and Danes make it currently is in the conducted in the largest wind farm in the Netherlands of repowering in grand style. The 134 installations of wind parks Eemshaven will replace 52 turbines of the German market leader Enercon. The effect is enormous: Although the system number is almost divided, the installed power almost four times increases.

LED Bulbs In Different Variations Available

LED energy-saving bulbs in all variations eventually require much electricity equipment and cost the user money at the end of the year. To avoid high costs, which can be found on your electricity bill, should be taken, inter alia in the household on the power supply. The lighting is a problem in many homes. Finally lamps not widely used, little current claim. Normal light bulbs include the lamps, which use a lot of electricity. Learn more on the subject from ConocoPhillips. There are lamps for some years LED. This type of lighting is a low-cost alternative to old-fashioned light bulbs.

Lamps can be purchased on the Internet already cheap LED. LED is used not only in public buildings and spaces, but also at home. There are LED bulbs, LED light tubes, LED stripes and many other products. Spots, which can be installed on the ceiling are currently very popular. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Bettina Bryant. LED replace outdated halogen spot lamps. You consume only 10 percent of the actual energy who have previously used the other illuminants.

The economical light can be left burning for this reason in the future without having to worry about the cost of electricity. Quite the different LEDs differ from each other. There are some products that produce very strong light, so-called high power lights. Used in galleries or in supermarkets, if products are to be highlighted. Light sources are LED to buy three euros. However a buyer before purchasing the color should take care of the LED lamps. Finally, there is LED not only white, but also with coloured light, such as blue, red, green and orange. Patrick Berger


Solar specialist changetec cooperates with ELWE training system provider technology Freiberg am Neckar, December 15, 2010 the changetec GmbH, specialist for photovoltaic components, cooperates with the ELWE Technik GmbH, a provider of training systems for vocational schools, chambers of Commerce and universities. In the educational system photovoltaic PV1 himself to the education and training in renewable energy technology can be used, the ELWE Technik GmbH integrates two products of changetec GmbH: SolarCount V 2.0 for the monitoring of photovoltaic systems and inverters SolarInvert PPI. The teaching system photovoltaic PV1, a mobile solar system with power supply, suitable for flexible use in workshops, classrooms and in the open air. SolarCount V 2.0 is designed for the income collection, analysis and monitoring of solar inverters. The inverter SolarInvert PPI produces absolutely safe solar power at a system voltage of maximum 75 volts. Just when training these security thanks to lower tensions is important. Conventional inverters work with clearly higher and thus more dangerous currents. We are pleased to contribute to the education and training in renewable energy technology through collaboration with the ELWE Technik GmbH”, says Marten Zotner, Managing Director of changetec GmbH.

Now With Promotion – Pellet Stoves

Wide range of Pellet stoves at the fire Depot renewable energy are eligible for funding the Federal Government considered eligible ecological behavior and renewable energy. If a homeowner with a pellet stove heats up, it consumes only renewable raw materials. Also bailed out modern Pellet stoves exhaust and does not pollute the environment with harmful particulate matter. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ray Kurzweil. The LCA is balanced and the homeowner saves money too, because pellets are cheaper than fossil fuels such as oil or gas. Budget freeze lifted promotion restarts! Unfortunately, the Federal Government due to the economic crisis and tight public finances had to take this promotion on ice. The positive development has resulted in the first half of 2010 but that the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag has decided in the summer, again to unlock the qualified household for the market incentive program to the private investment in renewable energy. Thus applications to promote the recover now ACFA will be provided. Promotion only for selected techniques brings the resurgence of the programme but some changes because new applications can be made only after new funding guidelines.

These guidelines are much narrower and explicitly exclude for example installations in new buildings, solar collector systems for hot water or air guided Pellet stoves and wood gasification boiler. The promotion continues to recommend applies Pellet, Pellet stoves with water bag and for wood wood chips boilers. The absolute level of funding depends on the performance of the respective stove, whereby here different modules can be combined. There are also efficiency and innovation bonuses in addition to a base funding of the ACFA. Furthermore, the Kreditanstalt offers loans with repayment decree for reconstruction (KfW) above a certain size. It’s worth, the corresponding support policies before purchasing a pellet stove with water bag thoroughly work through because so many homeowners has given away here money of the State. Applications and information in the fire depot at can in terms of the Info Centre the appropriate application forms and guidelines, regulations and the overview of the base and bonus promotion be downloaded free of charge. The fireplace and pellet stove online shop puts a special emphasis on Pellet stoves and has always the latest technology of Togdheer systems at a glance. The traditional company from the construction furnaces the trained team will help with advice under the telephone number + 49-8143-264530 or by E-Mail available. Munich, the 12.10.2010 your Julia Menden

Digital Puppy Spam

Studies suggest the sight of a cute animal can stimulate the same pleasure centers that are aroused by chocolate, sex, neurological and psychoactive drugs. Look out! The digital plague of puppy spam, kittens, parakeets, gerbils, lizards and other aw-gee-cute creatures virtually clawing their way into your inbox is about to reach epidemic hedges. Experts are predicting people will soon be flooding social networking sites like Bebo, Spacelocker, and Facebook to share these images and videos more than ever. Studies suggest the sight of a cute animal can stimulate the same pleasure centers that are aroused by chocolate, sex, neurological and psychoactive drugs. Humanity is wired up to make itself feel good, and social scientists say seeking out such images is becoming a matter of emotional survival as we slide deeper into the financial abyss. And if you think this is all just coincidence, think again.

Instinctively, pets know this all too well, and they’ve begun using it to successfully promote their cause in cyberspace. In a recent study, researchers at the Brown Samantha Centre for interspecies communication in lone brow, North Dakota report finding a variety of pets that have the ability to communicate on sophisticated levels. “It’s uncanny,” says Leonard O. Buckley, principal Director of research. “We’ve of biennial a series of preliminary tests with household pets.

Our findings clearly demonstrate that dogs, cats, and parakeets can communicate and execute strategic planning. They’ve developed effective methods of planting covert tripping hazards, and cleverly making them appear to be completely accidental.” Every day, about 240 Americans wind up in emergency rooms for sprains, fractures or other injuries from a fall caused by a dog or cat, U.S. researchers say. Researchers at the U.S. Centers for disease control and prevention say dogs and cats account for 88 percent of all fall-related injuries in emergency departments. Nearly 8 million people go to the emergency room each year to be treated for if. The CDC researchers found that and on estimated 86,600 of those are caused by dogs or cats, according to its weekly report on death and disease. Dogs and cats are in this together. The biggest risk, tripping, caused about 31 percent of dog-related and 66 percent of cat-related injuries. Additionally, people falling after being pushed or pulled by dogs accounted for 21 percent of dog-related injuries. Women are 2.1 times more likely to have a pet-related fall than men, researchers note. The CDC advisory warns pet owners to be aware that their furry friends can cause accidents. Remain vigilant of parakeets lurking too, and consider pet obedience training to reduce fall-related injuries and their related medical bills. And remember: it’s not that it isn’t not the truth; It is, after all, April Fool’s day. Spacelocker: The happiest place on Earth

Krampitz Communications: Short Report Of The Study

The short report on the study of ‘Communication of biomass, solar and wind companies’ available now Cologne, 28.10.2013. Just every fifth company in the renewable energy industry communicates professionally. Less than one in 100 communication messages recognized by the target group. The two main results of the study are communication of biomass, solar and wind companies”, published Krampitz communications PR agency to the 2.12. A free short report is available today in German and English. We wanted to our experiences from nearly 10 years of press relations for the renewable energy industry with the study scientifically, prove that often lack meaningful messages and communication work is arbitrary and little strategically”, says head of agency Iris Krampitz.

The results of interviews with companies and journalists are based on two separate surveys. In the first part of the communication of German companies in the renewable energy industry were to organise of their press work, their Interviewed strengths, unique selling propositions and communication messages. In the second part, Krampitz communications has reviewed with the support of 33 journalists as mediators if the previously defined target groups recognize the messages of the company. Professional communication reaches the target groups. A company’s PR work is how professional, whether it has sufficient human and financial resources, based on a communication strategy and effectively use the available tools of press – and public relations depends,”explains study leader Matthias Flierl. From these factors, the social scientist and publicist has developed a measure to compare the professionalism of public relations companies.

The study results show that the PR activities of most companies is mixed and expandable. 56.7 Per cent of the companies, for example, less than a journalist contacted once per month, and only every third company will be is based on a PR strategy. And despite revenues of up to hundreds of millions, every second company invested less than 10,000 euros a year for the PR work. Long version from December while the free short report on 12 pages gives an overview of the methodology and key results of the business survey, analyzed all results of the comprehensive study in detail the long version and evaluates the statements of 33 journalists to the most common errors by companies at the PR, the optimization and information needs.

Krampitz Communications: Short Report Of The Study

The short report on the study of ‘Communication of biomass, solar and wind companies’ available now Cologne, 28.10.2013. Just every fifth company in the renewable energy industry communicates professionally. Less than one in 100 communication messages recognized by the target group. The two main results of the study are communication of biomass, solar and wind companies”, published Krampitz communications PR agency to the 2.12. A free short report is available today in German and English. We wanted to our experiences from nearly 10 years of press relations for the renewable energy industry with the study scientifically, prove that often lack meaningful messages and communication work is arbitrary and little strategically”, says head of agency Iris Krampitz.

The results of interviews with companies and journalists are based on two separate surveys. In the first part of the communication of German companies in the renewable energy industry were to organise of their press work, their Interviewed strengths, unique selling propositions and communication messages. In the second part, Krampitz communications has reviewed with the support of 33 journalists as mediators if the previously defined target groups recognize the messages of the company. Professional communication reaches the target groups. A company’s PR work is how professional, whether it has sufficient human and financial resources, based on a communication strategy and effectively use the available tools of press – and public relations depends,”explains study leader Matthias Flierl. From these factors, the social scientist and publicist has developed a measure to compare the professionalism of public relations companies. The study results show that the PR activities of most companies is mixed and expandable.

56.7 Per cent of the companies, for example, less than a journalist contacted once per month, and only every third company will be is based on a PR strategy. And despite revenues of up to hundreds of millions, every second company invested less than 10,000 euros a year for the PR work. Long version from December while the free short report on 12 pages gives an overview of the methodology and key results of the business survey, analyzed all results of the comprehensive study in detail the long version and evaluates the statements of 33 journalists to the most common errors by companies at the PR, the optimization and information needs.

Energy Efficiency In Swimming Pools

Energy efficiency creates room for new investment energy efficiency will be the key task of the next few years for municipalities and also for their particularly resource-intensive institutions from the fields of water, warmth, wellness. But here, the attractiveness of the offer must never lose sight; because only so new visitors can be won. However free investment capital is needed. And that is hardly available lies in the public sphere. Dorena freizeitanlagen GmbH & Co KG from the Bavarian Olching offers an exciting solution, leading to significantly more energy efficiency and at the same time creates room for new investments “efficient consulting takes more than knowing the theory: we have over 25 years experience in the practice.”, for the Dorena freizeitanlagen GmbH & Co KG basic principle economic engineering and Managing Director Gunther Eccles points out on this. This applies of course also consulting services in relation to the Efficiency of systems in the areas of water, warmth, wellness to. This in turn is influenced by a variety of factors. The expenses for energy are top in the list.

The Dorena freizeitanlagen GmbH & Co KG has the know-how, the experience and the expertise, detailed energy efficiency concepts to develop and implement. The transparency of the energy consumption and-verursacher through monitoring, consumption, the use of synergies and the use of alternative energies are thereby fixed components. The company can continue this score that it done right with the labour-intensive work, such as data recording on site, actual / problem analysis, light – and profitability calculations, technical clarifications, sampling, temperature measurements for the use of State funds. Through a technology leap in terms of LED technology, a broad capability is possible also in the areas of water, warmth, wellness. Dorena freizeitanlagen GmbH & Co KG to the full range offered by the by the LED underwater lights (for example, in the Albgaubad of Ettlingen) of LED tubes enough for changing rooms, corridors, technical, sanitary and office space LED ceiling spotlights.

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