Windows Mobile

Certainly, 2009 has been a year of big developments, especially in what makes social networks. More and more users, and more heterogeneously distributed in what refers to age groups, belong to any of the portals social, whether for pleasure, to socialize, to have something to do in your moments of leisure, or for labour matters, in portals like Linked In or Plaxo press. Another area of great development has been mobile marketing, online marketing natural detachment, and the creation of exclusive content for mobile telephone networks. The use of the internet through the cellular has been expanded, grow the available areas with 3 G connectivity. This trend is accompanied by the availability of mobile equipment of last generation, led by the iPhone.

The number of Apis (applications based on open source codes) has reached 10,000, and there are for all tastes and needs, from applications to control the battery, or personal notes, to the most eccentrics, aimed at lovers of dogs, which help locate open spaces to take them for a walk. For 2010 it is expected that the development of the internet will continue in the way of increased usability web, especially focused on the inclusion of social networks in a more profound way than we currently see. Life goes by the social networks, and the companies that do not strengthen your path in this direction will find at a considerable disadvantage with respect to its competitors. The Google-Microsoft battle seems to intensify each day that passes. The launch of the iPhone, Apple, Windows Mobile operating system (a partnership that many did not believe that they would live to see), Google replied redoubling the bet: January five released Google Nexus, which marks the beginning of Google as a manufacturer of equipments of telephony, and obviously, equipped with its Android software. Step recall that Android, the Google Maps most maps manufacturers have given a deadly riposte to all companies for GPS, such as Tomtom, by providing this service for free. Another effort that seeks to consolidate as the leading mobile operating system Android.

Talking about operating systems, we hope everyone with great anxiety the launch of Oschrome, the Google operating system. With the promise of consume far fewer resources than any existing version of Windows, and at the same time be virtually impervious to existing security vulnerabilities, the concept behind its conception is a use of the cloud, i.e. the remote location of the files of habitual use, without using memory resident. How could it be otherwise for 2010 also we hope Google laptop. Without a traditional hard drive the resident memory of the team will be via devices flash-, this laptop will come equipped with ARM chips, which had been left behind by Windows, for not being strong enough. As these chips have a lot less consumption of energy that the traditional, or even require cooler. And of course, they come equipped with the OsChrome. We’ll see if we get used to this hypocaloric diet. Ultimately, the trend for 2010 promises to expand the personalized content, the usability of the mobile teams, extending benefits through these, and an increase of the social use of the internet.



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