Archive for November 2013


Information Data

Microsoft has published a document where it emphasizes the advantages of the service and affects which it is something optional, explaining the safety measures on which it will count the service, coding of data, passwords and transmissions, shipment of code of verification to the moving body of the user the first time that uses the service and the commitment of not sharing the data with third parts. But it seems to have been sufficient since already the first voices alerting of possible failures of security in the system have been raised, and is not that for some experts of security they describe the guarantees that offers Microsoft of standard, minimum guarantees that do not offer the necessary security for the importance of the data in game. A thing this clear one, these services of access to our information and automatic synchronization between different devices no longer is something that offers us like an addition of value to a product, but is something that the user requires and protests. It is a necessity. It is not therefore question to do or not to do, but of how doing it. It is in this point in which we are and like for any new technology in which we were reasonable doubts on the security of our information, the best advice is the prudence and to apply the good ones you practice that already all we know, like for example avoiding to connect themselves through wifi open, to have robust passwords, to know the conditions of security and privacy of the service and mainly not to do anything than soon we pruned ourselves to regret. udea, Security of the Information. Alvaro Aritio Department of Management

Michael Laitman Sobre

Hence they do not have any way of communicating between them and, therefore, if we want to communicate with the creator, we have to be like him, at least at a minimum extent. The more similar we are, greater and better our communication will be. The story of the book of Esther It describes the spiritual path that we all must pass through. The beauty of history is that we don’t have to understand it intellectually, but that you are instilling to the extent that we are recognizing their profound meaning. This story can be read over and over again, revealing new secrets with each reading. All we need to assimilate is this simple principle: to discover the creator, get ready to discover yourself, first.

Everytime you want to know more about the creator, he will show us, however, who and how we are, because we have to discover the Haman on us before we can discover the greatness of Mordechai, who truly loves the creator. Working this way with this method, not only guarantee that we can discover the creator, but also the reward that Mordechai receives for his services: he took Haman the upholstery and the horse, dressed to Mordechai and cruised the main street of the city, proclaiming in front of him: is thus treated the man whom the King wishes to honor. Hence We can enjoy a simple story of suspense with a good finish or we embark in search of their inner meaning, beyond the plot and actors, with the intention of finding the track that leads us finally to the Palace of the King. ** The Rav Dr. Michael Laitman is master in cibernetica, doctor in philosophy and Kabbalah, Professor of ontology and theory of knowledge. He is founder and President of Bnei Baruj and Institute Ari, in Israel.

More information on, and Michael Laitman Sobre the author: Dr.Phd Michael Laitman is Professor of ontology, PhD in philosophy and Kabbalah, with master’s degree in cybernetic biology. Author of 40 books on authentic Kabbalah. Founder of Bnei Baruj and Institute Ari, in Israel, dedicated to the teaching of the Kabbalah wisdom for free. Bnei Baruch has become a global organization with students from all parts of the world. Its members are dedicated to research and dissemination the wisdom of Kabbalah. Information in original author and source of the article

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