For a serious job hunter who recognizes that a hunt never ends, you could try JibberJobber, which not only helps you organize your information, but can bug you about the things you should be doing but might not be, such as following up with a phone call. 4. turn a non job into a job. Many companies use temp agencies as recruiting firms. Instead of going through the interview process, companies sift through temp workers until they find one they like. So when you find yourself temping at a company you like, give a star performance.
Even if the work doesn’t require much skill, personality matters a lot in this sort of situation, so be fun and charming. And don’t be shy about asking for full time work. Note that this tactic will work for internship, as well. Matt Himler, a student at Amherst College, started out looking for internship, and shifted his focus when he saw on actual job what a possibility. He now gets paid to blog for AOL Money & Finance of 5. use social networking sites. Some, like LinkedIn, are full of professionals who understand that a good job hunt is not event but a way of life. Many of these people are good networkers and emphatic about making sure they are in a job they love; definitely the type you should be hanging out with, so sign up and create your own profiles.
“Ninety percent of the jobs posted at LinkedIn are associated with a profile,” says cofounder Konstantin Guericke of LinkedIn. So you can find a job you want, then find a way to connect with the hiring manager through people you know, and you’ll have a leg up on the competition because as if you haven’t heard this a thousand times most people get their job by networking. 6 date someone with a network.