Archive for August 2017


Berlin Internet

Surf safely, email and data transmitted by the attack on corporate networks by cyber criminals or malicious software risks through removable media issues a privacy-compliant organization of private Internet use at work extends the spectrum of challenges, it-sa believed to be at the joint booth 420 of this year in Nuremberg. The Nurtingen Abraham GmbH shows together with the POPs technologies GmbH in Hamburg and Berlin m-privacy GmbH under the motto “cleanly separated, securely connected!” solutions perfectly complementary to public authorities and companies of any size. Easily visit the it-sa from 19 to 21 October with a free guest ticket, which you can get press / events together with further information under. Attacker is irresponsible at a distance: TightGate Pro almost daily reads or hears of vulnerabilities in programs, which can be found on virtually every workstation and more or less freely on the open Internet access: Internet browsers, E-Mail clients, viewers for PDF files and many more. The risk potential is immense: for his own purposes, an attacker could exploit such a gap, he obtained generally same regularly logged-on user’s permissions. So far-reaching for unwanted, illegal and usually very harmful to operating activities from the execution of malicious code over a degradation of the system and network operation possibilities up to the data theft by shipping company internals via the Internet.

The m-privacy GmbH from Berlin with the TightGate-Pro ReCoB system shows a reliable protection against this kind of threat. ReCoBS is literally remote Internet browser for remote-controlled browser system,”. TightGate-Pro takes all access to the open Internet as upstream protection system and manages only the screen output using a function-specific, highly secure protocol to the workplace computers in the internal network. The Preventive system forms a nearly insurmountable hurdle for attackers from the Internet, but does not affect a fully functional using of the Internet. Secured at the same time are also E-Mail programs or about the PDF reader cited often as unsafe.

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