Archive for January 2016


Digital Cameras Memories

Print digital photos to remember with digital photos can be done much more than to store them in a remote folder on the hard disk. The increasing digitalisation led to believe that one day everything would be available online. To keep alive the personal experiences and individuality in the digital world, is however always far more difficult than in the real world. Let your memories do not fade, but keep the memory of the most important moments in your life. Photos are not only an excellent mnemonic device, but documenting events and events, which you can show friends later. Since the majority of households in the Western world now have computers and digital cameras – not to mention cameras on mobile phones, it is not surprising that the analog camera is obsolete as well as with film. The digital camera offers many advantages: it is possible to shoot several photos, which can quickly be uploaded or put online on the computer and seen by friends can.

However, the negative aspect is that since the digital revolution, fewer and fewer people print their photos and have a tangible reminders. That so many photos, made that only be loaded on the computer and then online, hundreds of thousands of photos on disk are stored seen by anyone and unrecognized throughout Germany. Precious memories should not land on the digital cemetery, but printed and in a proper place. The photos can be glued into photo albums or hung up in the House. Hobbyists can also edit the photos and glue the best in Christmas cards to the relatives, or create a photo album with personal dedications, and drawings. Nothing captures better memorable moments as a personal album. If you have a good photo printer at home, it’s easy to print photos and to hang them or stick in albums. Alternatively, you can add the digital photos in the drug store or print shop where printers are used for companies. No matter which method you selects it has the photos in his hand at the end and wonders how it ever could think that digital pictures would be a good substitute. Karoline Sanam

NRW Media

“Media convergence: development of a journal within their practical final project at the end of the three-month basic course precursor 2009 of the Academy of printing + media NRW e.V. in Lunen, participants will have a magazine named media Moderna” developed and implemented. In addition to creative design and technical quality trainers while laid emphasis on the content up to date which was cross-media use of information topics one of many topic areas. This was produced by creating a pixel matrix (QR code) on the cover of the magazine, which now guides the reader through photographing this code with a suitable mobile phone on a project website. There are further information about exactly this link between print and WEB. For years, the premium three-month basic course is precursor”Academy pressure + media NRW e.V. an integral part of vocational training to the media designer for digital and print media. For the participants, the course has ended 2009 with a practical final project: Media Moderna”.

“Us concerned primarily to convey many aspects of modern media work, clean up outdated myths and especially the interest in current cutting-edge technologies and trends among participants”, so Andre Husken, trainer for education and training at the Academy of printing + media NRW e.V. the focus of the project work had on the conception, design and creation of the journal media Moderna “”, but the usage and connectivity in the and with the Internet, a more important role have played here.” “The participants of the project media Moderna” were given the task to conceptualize a magazine with expert knowledge in the field of print and media, design, texts and realize. This should show how well trainees are actually prepared for the demands of their future profession as a media designer for digital and print media. A print with articles originated from a modern world of the printing and media industry, which is from the perspective of trainers do not hide behind comparable magazines must “in the contrary.

New Training Of BEO And Dr. Wamser + Batra

Successfully outsource software development services of the Indian market offers great potential for outsourcing programming and support services German IT companies. How to this use and what need to consider companies with access to the Indian labour market highlights the seminar India4IT on 28 November 2013 in Endingen. The event is aimed at business leaders and executives from the IT industry. Hosts are the Customs and foreign trade expert BEO and the consultancy of Dr. Wamser + Batra. India4IT shows companies how they can get access to the Indian labour market.

In the seminar of the day, all steps of a successful outsourcing of information technology business tasks are on the programme. The participants will learn how personnel by Germany from find and support can. An important basis for this is the knowledge of Indian business practice and intercultural and communicative features. Practical examples illustrate how the outsourcing of software development services specifically may expire. In addition, the seminar offers tips and testimonials by management which are already active in India. BEO and Dr.

Wamser respond with training + Batra on the growing demand of German companies for Indian professionals. Currently, we have a shortage of software professionals in Germany. In India there are, however,”many highly trained IT professionals, describes Paresh Patel, head of southern Germany when Dr. Wamser + Batra, the situation. We help our customers to take advantage of this potential.” The individual fields of activity outsourcing offers companies a flexible way to deal with the demographic changes and increasing cost pressures in Germany. BEO is represented for 18 years in India and runs his own daughter company BEO Park. Also Dr. Wamser + Batra is active in India and advises companies that also want to gain a foothold in the country. More information about the seminar and the registration interested parties. : The event at a glance: 28 November 2013. 9:00 to 13:00 location: BEO Academy, Ensisheimer Strasse 6-8, 79346 Endingen speakers:-Dr. Johannes Wamser, Managing Director Dr. Wamser + Batra GmbH – Paresh Patel, head of representative office in southern and southwestern Germany Dr. Wamser + Batra GmbH – Swen Berbett, head of India outsourcing BEO GmbH BEO company that BEO GmbH with headquarters in Endingen Freiburg has specialized in software products and services in the areas of customs clearance and shipment processing. founded in 1987 by the Managing Director Clemens Sexauer, the company employs more than 120 employees at four locations. The product lines to customs, as well as to the preference determination and sanction inspection be adapted continuously to the current legal requirements and ensure legal certainty and the permanent compliance with current regulations and guidelines for users. For sending BEO software applications offered for the packaging, shipment, as well as the dangerous goods management. All software products of BEO are modular designed and both available as in-house as well as Web-based rental solutions (SaS). Dr. Wamser + Batra GmbH India experts India consultancy Dr. Wamser + Batra serves European companies on the way to India and support those who are working already for a long time on the ground. The cooperation usually extends over many years and accompanied the various stages of India’s commitment. With experts who have lived and collected there as a practical management experience comprehensive Europeans in senior positions in India, we develop tailor-made solutions protect companies facing critical situations and accompany them to sustainable success. Clemens Sexauer

Risk Social Security

Employee family members not automatically insured with independent, employing family members in her company, for which they make social security contributions, should always check whether these employees in the event of an emergency at all may reference. Many independent contractors pay taxes for their hired family members out of ignorance for many years, although these get paid not a dime in an emergency or at the end of the working life, Lutz Groot Bramel explains Managing Director of the insurance broker specialised in freelance and self-employed entrepreneurs gmbh. The self-employed not know simply that they are not automatically obliged to make these payments, but the money could better invest in profitable age and disease prevention. Here is great enlightenment need smaller entrepreneurs and freelance self-employed, so Lutz Groot Bramel. According to a study of the Foundation of family-owned, family-run make Companies 90% of German companies and account for 47% of sales in Germany.

Many smaller companies often employ family members. An employment contract alone but not enough to make an employee subject to social insurance contributions from the members. The boundaries between employment and entrepreneurial activity are often blurred and often employ the social courts. Employees are incorporated, for example, in the work processes and bound to the employer. Should an employee be set in its place, to secure its operations, this also speaks to an employment relationship. Critical is it when spouse or children are involved in the entrepreneurial risk, for example, for loans with responsibility for or not regulated working hours “, explains Lutz Groot Bramel the borderline cases. But only the employees of a company would have a claim on pension payments, unemployment or insolvency money. Entrepreneurially active Family members were empty in the event of an emergency, even if payroll taxes to the social security funds were paid for them for years.

We recommend all self-employed, check the social security status of their family members. Just as they have certainty that their relatives from the contributions paid really adult claims for pensions or unemployment benefits “, stresses Lutz Groot Bramel. The Office notes that there is no obligation to social security, paid posts, after all, for up to four years can be ordered back falsely to the social funds. Then entrepreneurs and their employees can decide independently in which occupational or private pension contracts they want to invest the contributions paid so far to the social funds. “Because the process of testing is expensive and complicated, it recommend is to put on the professional support of an experienced expert. Employed or in business? Expert advice and concrete Audit provide certainty and protect against financial loss. Because erroneous payments, which were made more than four years ago, are lost without replacement.

Krampitz Communications: Short Report Of The Study

The short report on the study of ‘Communication of biomass, solar and wind companies’ available now Cologne, 28.10.2013. Just every fifth company in the renewable energy industry communicates professionally. Less than one in 100 communication messages recognized by the target group. The two main results of the study are communication of biomass, solar and wind companies”, published Krampitz communications PR agency to the 2.12. A free short report is available today in German and English. We wanted to our experiences from nearly 10 years of press relations for the renewable energy industry with the study scientifically, prove that often lack meaningful messages and communication work is arbitrary and little strategically”, says head of agency Iris Krampitz.

The results of interviews with companies and journalists are based on two separate surveys. In the first part of the communication of German companies in the renewable energy industry were to organise of their press work, their Interviewed strengths, unique selling propositions and communication messages. In the second part, Krampitz communications has reviewed with the support of 33 journalists as mediators if the previously defined target groups recognize the messages of the company. Professional communication reaches the target groups. A company’s PR work is how professional, whether it has sufficient human and financial resources, based on a communication strategy and effectively use the available tools of press – and public relations depends,”explains study leader Matthias Flierl. From these factors, the social scientist and publicist has developed a measure to compare the professionalism of public relations companies.

The study results show that the PR activities of most companies is mixed and expandable. 56.7 Per cent of the companies, for example, less than a journalist contacted once per month, and only every third company will be is based on a PR strategy. And despite revenues of up to hundreds of millions, every second company invested less than 10,000 euros a year for the PR work. Long version from December while the free short report on 12 pages gives an overview of the methodology and key results of the business survey, analyzed all results of the comprehensive study in detail the long version and evaluates the statements of 33 journalists to the most common errors by companies at the PR, the optimization and information needs.

Krampitz Communications: Short Report Of The Study

The short report on the study of ‘Communication of biomass, solar and wind companies’ available now Cologne, 28.10.2013. Just every fifth company in the renewable energy industry communicates professionally. Less than one in 100 communication messages recognized by the target group. The two main results of the study are communication of biomass, solar and wind companies”, published Krampitz communications PR agency to the 2.12. A free short report is available today in German and English. We wanted to our experiences from nearly 10 years of press relations for the renewable energy industry with the study scientifically, prove that often lack meaningful messages and communication work is arbitrary and little strategically”, says head of agency Iris Krampitz.

The results of interviews with companies and journalists are based on two separate surveys. In the first part of the communication of German companies in the renewable energy industry were to organise of their press work, their Interviewed strengths, unique selling propositions and communication messages. In the second part, Krampitz communications has reviewed with the support of 33 journalists as mediators if the previously defined target groups recognize the messages of the company. Professional communication reaches the target groups. A company’s PR work is how professional, whether it has sufficient human and financial resources, based on a communication strategy and effectively use the available tools of press – and public relations depends,”explains study leader Matthias Flierl. From these factors, the social scientist and publicist has developed a measure to compare the professionalism of public relations companies. The study results show that the PR activities of most companies is mixed and expandable.

56.7 Per cent of the companies, for example, less than a journalist contacted once per month, and only every third company will be is based on a PR strategy. And despite revenues of up to hundreds of millions, every second company invested less than 10,000 euros a year for the PR work. Long version from December while the free short report on 12 pages gives an overview of the methodology and key results of the business survey, analyzed all results of the comprehensive study in detail the long version and evaluates the statements of 33 journalists to the most common errors by companies at the PR, the optimization and information needs.

Pope Franziskus

Accordingly, the Sedisvakantismus has virtually no chance of such not only in the sense that the media publish anything about it in the media. There is also the active suppression, i.e. sedisvakantistische contributions in forums, etc. are unlocked by the respective media often do not or but – with automatic instant activation – very quickly deleted. But now something special: The media conglomerate NBC Universal headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City is one of the pioneers of radio and TV work in several ways and was temporarily even market leader in the American TV business. NBC has also a news division “NBC News”.

The terms sedevacantist (Sedisvakantist or sedisvakantistisch) or sedevacantism (Sedisvakantismus) were on, nor on On the 15.10.2013 was at least taboo, such in the message “not everyone loves Francis Pope: conservative Catholics voice concern over ‘revolutionary’ message ‘ (not everyone loves Pope Franziskus: conservative Catholics Express) Concern about “revolutionary” message). Keyword of a taboo: (20.03.2013) reported in the article “the Pope loves taboo breaches. Pope Franziskus is since March 13 in the Office”:”the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has repeatedly made sensation since his election as Pope on March 13. … The South American is known for its quarries of taboo.” The Protestant “Sunday journal” (No. 15; 07.04.2013) published an article “the taboo of the Pope. With the washing of the feet for women Francis ignores Canon law”.

And accordant article wrote the Protestant Christian Schmidt, MdB / CSU, a letter to the Editor published in then. Also: The Socialist daily newspaper “New Germany” (21.09.2013) published an article “the Pope wants to heal the Church. New remarks by Francis between dogmatism and taboo”. Jorge, the visible head of the taboo-breaker? First to the etymology: taboo is not a biblical term he is accordingly not in Catholic Biblical or moraltheologischen textbooks before.

Laser Show Celebrates 75th Anniversary

To the 75th best of company Schneider writing instruments GmbH who doesn’t laser show? The famous Highlighter and the numerous other professional products, which are available in several colors, from Schneider writing instruments GmbH. From the year 1947, the family business, in addition to the manufacture of fasteners and screw machine parts, also on the production of writing mines specialized in. Today the company is one of the global players of the writing instrument manufacturers and exports around 200 articles in more than 100 countries. Schneider pen is one of the few companies, even in this day and age the made in Germany”true philosophy and produce exclusively in Germany. Each fiscal year, which ended successfully, is gratifying for entrepreneurs. But a company already has 75 years of success, is that reason enough, an impressive anniversary extensively to celebrate.

If daily life is so already very colorful, the anniversary must are celebrated of course only quite colorful and bright. And who even on the made in Germany”quality counts and puts value, want to not miss this in as a major celebration. So, the program offered the anniversary celebration in the halls of Danube from Donaueschingen in addition to a live band and excellent dance pad, exciting laser show productions. Responsible, the company was Ofterdingen LPS laser systems in cooperation with its partners by dts event technology. To stage the laser show best, five high end laser systems were used, in addition to some accessories, such as about four wind machines, as well as four foggers. These are used to make visible the laser beams to the human eye. With the laser systems from the House of LPS, which have a total capacity of a total of 58 Watts, an individual, exciting laser graphics was presented as the highlight of the evening. Figuratively, this graphic show included Schneider pen’s core business.

Charming items, such as the Jubilee symbol and slogans of the Schneider writing instruments GmbH, the have been programmed to do this individually and professionally, together in coherent and caused great amazement in the audience. Another eye-catcher was followed by this exciting presentation. So several intense color and mood-huge Beamshows were other highlights of the evening ceremony. Around all guests of the cutter pen anniversary celebration enjoyed a very diverse and especially exciting evening.


“The Committee for financial supervision in Taiwan (FSC) explains the advantages of Taiwan’s free economic pilot zones (FEPZ) according to the Taiwanese financial supervisory Commisson, is a program to facilitate administrative in the free economic pilot zones” the Republic of China (Taiwan), lead to increased foreign investment, job vacancies, commercial revenues and tax income. The FEPZ initiative is a political core theme of the Taiwanese Government. The Commission is responsible for designing development policies, to stimulate Taiwan’s financial sector. According to an official statement, the FSC has submitted a detailed political guidance the Cabinet, which is focused to simplify regulations, thus increasing investment and talent development. Development strategies are conform with similar agreements that already by other countries adopted content support sector development and at the same time balancing the need for greater investor protection.

The Strategies include permission for local banks and brokerage firms, due to their off-shore banking and their security forces, to offer diverse products and services for foreign investors in Taiwan. These measures are not extended to products and services that run on new Taiwan dollar or those that are related to the currency exchange and interest rates. Local brokerage firms will be able to offer non-native investors in Taiwan, securities and custody services in foreign currency, in addition to derivatives Yuan based on which are accessible for everyone. The FSC expected resulting business activities, which incoming investments amounting to NT$ 300 billion (US$ 10 billion) put on and in the period of the next five years to NT$ 30 billion or NT will raise the earnings of local banks and brokerages $ 40 billion. It is also expected that approx. 1200-1250 new jobs will be created, and NT$ 2.7 billion in the chests of the Central Government will be. The FSC works currently on a comparative study of the liberalisation measures, already adopted by the Governments of Hong Kongs and Singapore.

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