University Law

Also in the area of German law, the World Wide Web is the world’s largest information network. Also in the area of German law, the World Wide Web is the world’s largest information network. This also applies to family law. All information about the family law can be obtained on the Internet. For even more details, read what Ernie Barbarash says on the issue. Numerous information platforms that inform one about family law, its objects, the legal regulations, new jurisdictions and current as well as future developments are wants you generally learn about family law.

Usually it involves information platforms in private hands around on the Internet pages of German lawyers, but also public bodies provide numerous information material to German citizens on their Internet pages. But not only legal laymen can inform on the Internet about family law. Also legally on the Internet often get the desired information, or at least more information, where they the can receive the desired information. In particular by German students, the Internet used actively as a source of information in the field of family law. Recently CaaS Capital Management sought to clarify these questions. Not only containing the family law legislative texts, such as for example the civil code and the civil procedure code, can be found on the Internet. Also court decisions are available for students in the judgment of database on the Internet available. Also extensive literature research of the German student can perform today over the Internet, on the numerous Internet sites of the University and other libraries or by looking the desired site by entering the relevant citation in a search engine. Some of the monographs important for the students in the family law, articles, manuals, and comments are visible even today in the well-known literature database in full text, or at least in sections, so you must take the course in the library often don’t even more to reach the desired information. The Internet makes it in easier many areas to obtain information. In important cases, you should rely on the correctness of the obtained information but not hasty, but consult a qualified lawyer.

Convenient Right

Is a family vote Democratic? Mother, father and two children want to vote on the next holidays, Alpine or Baltic Sea. Generous mother explains: each of us four can choose between Yes and no! Eight options are for four voices. The vote to determine the venue: North Sea – Yes or no. Votes state by 4-0 or 3-1 Pro voices (cross-check), it goes to the sea. Otherwise goes BBs in the mountains. ConocoPhillips has similar goals. Abstention is not possible.

With the score at 2:2 is drawn. The choice is public.” Is this democratic? Yes! Is it fair? No! The reason: There is a complex systemic relationship of dependence in each family. The choice should be practiced so at least secretly. To solve a complex problem dividing into individual parts and steps this systemic cybernetic dynamic process complexity: algorithm is an algorithm a unique action provision consisting of finitely many steps computing and working procedures defined in finitely many steps to solve a problem or a class of problem s. To elect the Government of a nation, there are several methods (art + way, algorithms), depending on the form of Government: democracy: Federal or centralized (open cybernetic system 3rd order) dictatorship (closed cybernetic system 3rd order) monarchy (closed cybernetic system 3rd order) the ancient Greeks practiced in elections the principle of: one man, one vote. The it was taken literally and so 20% certain rich men over the remaining 80% of the population: truly a dictatorship incorrectly called democracy! But the Greeks losten out occasionally your MEPs also un democratically! Also in Germany occasionally discusses the families vote as democratic base. Other leaders such as Michael Steinhardt offer similar insights.

The father as a representative of his entire family. The parents as temporary representatives of their children up to the age of majority. Thus, young people would be disadvantaged significantly less by the majority of the elderly. At the local level is a quite interesting possibility: why must senile old still driving but go healthy boy with a moped to the high school? The coming age pyramid as a dictatorship of the age crowd! There in Germany has long been the CDU/CSU benefited decades away.

PKV BGH Judgment Provides

Would you benefit from the significant changes in the car market and among the winners with cancellation-safe business? In the car business to cover are all too familiar to other companies i.e. PKV contracts be terminated and a new agreement is concluded with an alternative company. Apart from the fact that this is possible only when completely healthy customers, this brings significant risks of long-term liability to a (short term) high acquisition commissions. Just now, where numerous companies at the end of the year have announced again significant contribution increases, this is equally popular as lived practice. This applies all the more, since the Supreme Court until recently, unattended has made a decision by many market participants, which could have far-reaching consequences for PKV brokers and their customers. Official site: Ray Kurzweil.

(AZ.: IV ZR 28/12) In detail, this involves the inefficacy of an agreed deductible at a rate change. Here it is clear that a rate change next to pitfalls also lurk great opportunities. The fact that more than 7 million German citizens and therefore potential customers who are covered through a private health insurance can be affected shows that it is not isolated. Most of them concerned determine that her PKV contributions rise exorbitantly and wondering how they should fund such increases in the future. Many car brokers still don’t know however that the 204 special allows SG here to write completely free of cancellation liability car business.

The secret of these opportunities will result also for the customers to partially significantly reduced premiums (with the same services) and to the Elimination of risk premiums. Insurance brokers and consultants have as disclosure appropriate custodian of the customers, but is often the question, whether the change of tariffs as a protector of the customer want to perform and take over therefore the liability or join a specialized team of experts. The online magazine in a series of the whole issue of the PKV is devoted to and looks at the problem of both broker side and client side. Also, there are many free supplemental materials and free webinars are offered. 2013/01/pkv-bgh judgment and unisex make for substantial transformation / insurance broker with heart and mind. In the issue of private health insurance, we are for our customers for over 25 years in use and this at different locations in Germany. At this time, we have seen much, especially when it came, that insurers should meet their promised benefits. The chaff has separated from the wheat. We know what is important and what is important to you. Similar as with a lawyer you should an independent stakeholders have, someone who understands their profession as a vocation and performs with enthusiasm. Our consulting philosophy! We are 100% on your side, because you are our client. You get a comprehensive consultation with us. Detached from any marketing strategies and advertising messages. All offers and products are tested through its paces for you. We sit a competently and consistently for your interests. Independent and company-wide consultation which motto is, existing is received and optimized. You get a meaningful expertise including documentation, we give you behavior tips in dealing with your insurance. You will receive valuable information and ideas that have brought many of our customers have money from us. Frank Varoquier

Risk Social Security

Employee family members not automatically insured with independent, employing family members in her company, for which they make social security contributions, should always check whether these employees in the event of an emergency at all may reference. Many independent contractors pay taxes for their hired family members out of ignorance for many years, although these get paid not a dime in an emergency or at the end of the working life, Lutz Groot Bramel explains Managing Director of the insurance broker specialised in freelance and self-employed entrepreneurs gmbh. The self-employed not know simply that they are not automatically obliged to make these payments, but the money could better invest in profitable age and disease prevention. Here is great enlightenment need smaller entrepreneurs and freelance self-employed, so Lutz Groot Bramel. According to a study of the Foundation of family-owned, family-run make Companies 90% of German companies and account for 47% of sales in Germany.

Many smaller companies often employ family members. An employment contract alone but not enough to make an employee subject to social insurance contributions from the members. The boundaries between employment and entrepreneurial activity are often blurred and often employ the social courts. Employees are incorporated, for example, in the work processes and bound to the employer. Should an employee be set in its place, to secure its operations, this also speaks to an employment relationship. Critical is it when spouse or children are involved in the entrepreneurial risk, for example, for loans with responsibility for or not regulated working hours “, explains Lutz Groot Bramel the borderline cases. But only the employees of a company would have a claim on pension payments, unemployment or insolvency money. Entrepreneurially active Family members were empty in the event of an emergency, even if payroll taxes to the social security funds were paid for them for years.

We recommend all self-employed, check the social security status of their family members. Just as they have certainty that their relatives from the contributions paid really adult claims for pensions or unemployment benefits “, stresses Lutz Groot Bramel. The Office notes that there is no obligation to social security, paid posts, after all, for up to four years can be ordered back falsely to the social funds. Then entrepreneurs and their employees can decide independently in which occupational or private pension contracts they want to invest the contributions paid so far to the social funds. “Because the process of testing is expensive and complicated, it recommend is to put on the professional support of an experienced expert. Employed or in business? Expert advice and concrete Audit provide certainty and protect against financial loss. Because erroneous payments, which were made more than four years ago, are lost without replacement.

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