Archive for April 2012


Web User

The traditionally identified organizations and professions with the treatment of the information have witnessed the dilution of borders long ago established. This fast growth of the access and information necessity it generates an emergent market of permeia information that new roles assumed for professionals of other areas, and also for the librarians and archivists. Therefore, Baptista (2007, p.172) speaks that Garcez (2002) shows diverse studies which recommended that the reply time would be an important factor of the effectiveness for the users. Therefore, it is not enough that the library or the unit of digital information satisfies to the demand of its users, is necessary it makes that it in useful time. Such fact highly designates a generalizvel discovery of that the information services basically are chosen for use in function of its physical access and the easiness of use. This is the mentioned principle of the lesser effort that is not preferred by a type of user of what for having the information most useful to the user. (BAPTISTA, 2007, p.172). 6.

The PAPER OF the PROFESSIONALS OF the INFORMATION AND the INDTITUIES the professionals of the information who produce the goal-information exert important paper before the society, therefore is the intermediate between the user and the unit of information. They are using interface X information – knowledge. They must think about the questions of transference and use of the information and develop information services that become the information accessible for the citizen, looking for to satisfy its necessities. Therefore, who must be known is the user of the information service, which the information necessities and if the same ones had been satisfied. (Garden, 2004.p 3) In this direction, it emphasizes Garden (2004, p, 2) that the archivists do not serve to the archives, but to the society and its diverse agents, therefore the presence of the professional of reference in virtual environments is a necessity to dinamizar and to perfect the services of digital information in the Web.

The Japanese Relations

2). That is, the proportionate changes for the GQT beyond the implantation of new technologies, reflect in changes of the organization of the work and the managemental paradigms, that involve strategical changes, cultural and structural, as they claim to Wood Jnior and Urdan (1997). The changes in the hierarchy if had reflected in the flexibility of the management based on the processes of motivation of the collaborators in detriment of one command plastered. The organizations, in this in case that, they had started to supply to training and qualification of the employees and to be intent to the level of satisfaction of these. Retaking one of the principles of the GQT cited for Fields (1999), where it must have respect to employee as human being, concludes that these must be heard, to be more independent and participant assets of the process as a whole, and to have more responsibilities so that party to suit is felt. That is, in this system of management, the organizations have as objective to invest in the development of the people, to flexibilizar the professional relations and to guarantee improvements in the conditions and relations of work. In the GQT, factors as the process of technological renewal based in computer science and modernization of the communication and the instability in the job (that it implies reduction of work ranks) can be associates to the terceirizao process, by means of which the companies look for to reduce the costs with the social changes of the work, resulting in a temporary employment contract multiplication (BORGES; YAMAMOTO, 2004). Druck (1999) explana some occured changes in the work relations, as consequncias of the implantation of the new model of management based on the Quality Total: ' ' The Japanese model also engloba the terceirizao (subcontratao). One is about a necessary party of the model, that it needs to preserve this ' ' work sujo' ' , as component of the productive structure of the Japanese economy.


Professors who had had its academic formation or concluded technique and that after they had kept its prxis pedagogical based in it had been surprised at the new panorama in the schools where the pupils had access to the first information, and interests come back toward a world who allowed liberty of speech them, exchange of information, leisure etc. it Was installed provocation: what to make with the cellular devices of the pupils? the technological resources of the school? The DVD of the school is not only enough? How to use the computer science laboratory that the government ordered to install? As to place as much technology information in my planning? This it goes to give certain? A gap was established enters professor pupil technologies contemporaries. Professionals of vanguard, media specialized in education try to fill this vacuum acess environment, being the Internet a great one to these information, so that the public education obtained to modernize itself, qualifications had been also made, however the resistncias to the new are great, have professors who they question these equipment and its effectiveness, he has others adopt that them to fill gaps in the planning, and has the ones that believe that technologies contemporaries are entertainment source, desvirtuando inestimable objectives that if could reach with a coherent and rational use as Almeida (2011) in its article standes out on the proficiency in the Internet use in the art; ' ' Not to explore virtual quantities, the available navigation and tools before presenting them it the pupils. Beyond delaying the lesson the children are lost, without one model to be based. When planning a work reserves a time to know sites&#039 well; '. As in any practical pedagogical a multicriteria planning condizente with the objectives is basic to get a result, the technologies will not go even so because the professor desires only to the picture and chalk the mimegrafo and in the maximum the DVD use, resources where if it feels comfortable.


it searchs for one I credit fast went off in Portugal. This is only one of indications of the financial climate that if lives in our country. Many people had been attracted by a consumerism extreme throughout these years that had passed now and they live in apuros not obtaining to fulfill with its obligations next to the board. The Portuguese had started to live in the threshold of its financial possibilities, and in many cases, above of them. Everything seems easy when we attend the advertising of the companies of I credit easy, if to covet to have some good, is enough to bind for one numbers of telephone or to go to the site of them and in 24 hours or less I credit we will have it approved and the money in our account.

All the process of one I credit fast is sufficiently easy, fast the payment guarantees, are almost inexistent in some cases. As much speed and easiness seduce much people. Urgent loans stop defend the habitation Until the good little time the search for this type of credits had in part to the uncontrolled increase of the tax of the Euribor, relation was easy to understand: The people have one credit the habitation, perhaps one I credit automobile and one for vacation or a computer. With the tax of the Euribor to go off and the price of fuels in the limit, the people did not obtain to have money to pay to its credits and for its day the normal day. Then much people she chose one I credit fast as solution: They had asked for one I credit staff fast with the money against the account, had been repaying the installments of the house and using the money for everything the remaining portion. But this is a solution to prevent, therefore when appealing to one I credit fast to pay other credits alone we are to intricar our situation still more, and we go to pay much more interests in the end.

Bet Luck

Nowadays, the people want each time more the power. to obtain the power is needed money! Many prefer to study, to make one After, a Mestrado, Doutorado, to work in its branch, to grow and consequentemente to gain much money. Others look other ways, some for laziness, others for not having conditions and finish betting in the luck. For science it does not have ways to prove that the luck exists. However for our imagination, the luck is a real element that this gift and asset in our day the day.

The luck is what it makes in them to believe that we can earn in the lotomania for example. The winners receive a good amount in money, the sufficient to buy an car zero kilometer. Others prefer to risk a little more and to play in mega sena. Many people bet, therefore, if to earn, will have the possibility to have a future well better. Proper houses, luxurious coverings of front for the sea, cars zero kilometer and yachts are excellent examples of what a champion of this game can obtain. Nowadays to be able, and nor if it wants believe the luck, them only play to have the possibility of to be well of life. This, in the truth, is the objective that all we search, therefore does not only want to be millionaire, also wants to be respected and to be admired, not only for having much money, but also for helping who really necessary. Some winners of these prizes open institutions that help devoid children for example. Others we nor know who we are and nor what they make. After gaining the prize, some invest, help needed people, move of country, travel and others spend! thus the life goes following and we have to decide if we continue betting in the luck or not.>

Web Services Available

Its applicability more allows the development of sophisticated systems in little time, makes possible reutilizao of code, otimizao of time and resources, what to provide advantages in communicating businesses through the Internet of efficient, fast form and with low cost. Basiura et al (2003) affirms that the WS have been acclaimed as a step to the front in the distributed computation, ideal technology for communication between systems. The WS and the XML bring the promise to revolutionize the development of distributed applications, through new specifications and intelligent communication between systems. The expectation is great, high investments, frameworks powerful, profits in productivity, portabilidade and in independence. (COAST GRANDSON et all, 2006).

Site Company

Well, the question that is not silent of the entrepreneurs is: – Because I must acquire a site? To start a site it is not as many think, only one form to keep a presence on line and yes, an extension of the company who is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. So that a site can fulfill with its paper, it is necessary that it has much planning in as it will go to function. For this, the work of professionals is demanded or qualified companies, who will go to plan way as information will go to be distributed inside of site, which must to be type of content distributed in pages of site, as design will have to be constructed to take care of the necessities of the user of the site, that technologies will have to be used to help in the iteratividade of the site, between many other factors She does not only advance to deliver to folder or any another material of the company and to find that it is the sufficient so that the site is developed and has success. Why it she is not. So that a site is successful in the virtual world, she is necessary that it either elaborated well. Thus being able, to be excellent a half one to alavancar new businesses, to improve the relationship with the current customers and facilitating the search for potential customers.

With this acquisition the companies also gain kilometers of advantages. How thus, kilometers of advantages? It is that through a site elaborated you well can reach the great distances without the necessity to go until the destination place. The geographic distances diminish and any professional or company can present its products almost/services in any place with a cost zero. In the relationship with the customers, the site can become a distinguishing tool of the company in the daily pay-sales, during the sales properly said and mainly in the after-sales.

SPC Internet

Some tips can assist in the navigation for the Internet. ) to keep a brought up to date antivirus, it can be gratuitous; b) one firewall (a wall between its machine and the access to the Internet, must be allowed or be blocked what really it interests), normally available in the option To initiate – control panel and, in other Operational systems, has options of the Iptables tool; c) to all bring up to date month with the corrections recommended for the desenvolvedor of the Operational system; d) to prevent to lower, download, of that it appears in web, unnecessary applications consume resources of the machine as memory, space in record and others; e) to monitor and to advise to the children in the chats or groups of friends. Not to pass given familiar or personal, these will be able to fall in wrong hands; f) if possible to leave the micron in the room, where it has a conviviality of the family and a comment for all; g) to prevent to clicar in email messages as: ' ' click to see fotos&#039 here; ' , ' ' its CPF is bloqueado' ' , ' ' its name is in the SPC' '. Apelativas messages and texts with frequent ortogrficos errors, signal blows for the Internet. To finish, all well-taken care of it will be welcome. Accesses with responsibility will bring surrounding a safer and beneficial one in the navigations of web. Prof. Bruno Pablo Tc. of Computer networks email: bru-paulo@


Figure 1 Stack OSI and TCP/IP Source: 16 1.1.1 Paper of each layer Layer of Application: This layer makes the communication between applicatory and the protocol of transport. It to provide has supported to some types of services as remote access the archives, e-mail, interface with the user among others. Layer of Transport: It is of responsibility of this layer to catch the data sent by the application layer and to transform them into packages (datagrama) that they will be repassed the Internet layer. Also it is part of the paper of this layer to manage and to synchronize the connections between hosts of origin and destination. Layer of Internet: This layer adds to the datagrama information on the routes that will go to cover to arrive at its destination, in other words it is responsible for the roteamento of packages. Layer of Interface with the net: This layer receives the datagrama from the Internet layer it sends and it in form of picture through the net, these pictures are bits that are sent through environment, or for air, laser, infra-red ray in the case of the nets without wire. 1,2 Wireless nets the world became each more mobile time, becoming half traditional of work in net in recent years insufficient to carry through to face new challenges taxes for our style of collective life. The user hardwired to a cabeada net is with its drastically reduced movement, in contrast of the nets without wire that allows a free movement in the net of the user.

The way that provides this is the radio waves, and the computer networks that use this way for transmission of data are called nets wireless that it means net without wire. The radiofrequencia signals also are used stop transmission of data in radio stations, TVs and operators of cellular telephony. Had its easy installation and maintenance, this type of technology comes more being each used time in such a way in companies, offices how much in 17 domestic users and etc.

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