SPC Internet
Some tips can assist in the navigation for the Internet. ) to keep a brought up to date antivirus, it can be gratuitous; b) one firewall (a wall between its machine and the access to the Internet, must be allowed or be blocked what really it interests), normally available in the option To initiate – control panel and, in other Operational systems, has options of the Iptables tool; c) to all bring up to date month with the corrections recommended for the desenvolvedor of the Operational system; d) to prevent to lower, download, of that it appears in web, unnecessary applications consume resources of the machine as memory, space in record and others; e) to monitor and to advise to the children in the chats or groups of friends. Not to pass given familiar or personal, these will be able to fall in wrong hands; f) if possible to leave the micron in the room, where it has a conviviality of the family and a comment for all; g) to prevent to clicar in email messages as: ' ' click to see fotos' here; ' , ' ' its CPF is bloqueado' ' , ' ' its name is in the SPC' '. Apelativas messages and texts with frequent ortogrficos errors, signal blows for the Internet. To finish, all well-taken care of it will be welcome. Accesses with responsibility will bring surrounding a safer and beneficial one in the navigations of web. Prof. Bruno Pablo Tc. of Computer networks email: bru-paulo@ ig.com.br
Tags: Technology