Archive for January 2019


Hardware Cosmetology

The development of modern cosmetology has led to what is now increasingly beginning to use techniques aimed at promoting the body, rather than replace its functions. And this is achieved with using methods that do not require direct human exposure. We are talking about hardware cosmetology procedures under which the impact of discharge current, light or sound waves. Increasing popularity acquires hardware cosmetology in the treatment of acne, that is to eliminate pimples and . The above defects are inflammatory processes, which are terminated under the influence, for example, the current in the procedure electroplating. This method is based on the fact that the skin is passed by a small dc power supply, which activates the regeneration of weakened cells. Also "force" is used in the current micro-current therapy in which effects on different layers of the skin have a low-frequency signals. This method promotes lymphatic drainage, that is, the exchange processes. Due to this there is a conclusion from the cells of toxins and other hazardous decomposition products and enriching them with oxygen and nutrients. As can be seen, the hardware cosmetology, and in particular those based on the use of current, are an effective means not only eliminating pimples and , but increase strength of the body, preventing their recurrence.

Car Alarms

Then open the driver's door from inside. On some models of cars, you will not succeed. Therefore, Reach, and open the hood. If alarm system worked, it means that everything is ok. If not, it should definitely put another one. Do not trust what is written in the instructions to the machine. Sometimes there is a record of the presence of signaling, but its not. And turn it off at the station can have authorized dealer.

This is done very easily. One way to close the sensor opening hood and all. Your alarm is remote central locking. Manage the locks would stick, and keep cars there. Then you of the alarm should be included, of course for the money, or put another. So since we are trying to get some more money. So we figured out with alarm, but this is the first and cheapest step to protect your car.

Further, if you have a car with automatic transmission, I recommend to put a lock on the box. They are pin without pin. By efficiency, they are identical, the only difference is convenience. In the pin when you need to unlock pull the pin and where to put it. In no whip you in the center console out the core. All management is key (just like in the apartment), he turned to one side, closed, opened at another. And even within passed the motion pin, which locks the box. But it is more expensive, though not by much. Often manufacturers dragon, BEAR-LOCK, MUL-T-LOCK. As for the quality they are virtually identical. Why did I say about the automatic gearbox, because when the machine standing in the parking lot, with a closed lock, it can not roll. If you put a block on a mechanical box, then under its own power machine: whether it be Chevrolet or Opel, or any other model, will not go away, but roll, replacing the clutch can be. Therefore, the unit performs the same role as the alarm system or immobilizer, and put it on the mechanics of a waste of money. Of course in different brands of car locks effectiveness varies. For example, on mercedes or bmw efficiency is very high. And on toyota volkswagen, or below, as there is access to the gear box under the hood. But all the same under the hood you can put special breakaway screws, which are not allow to bypass the lock box.

Field Study Usage

Edeka reported buying new Culinara Maier and Bizerba the results of a joint pilot project of Balingen/Rottweil, August 17, 2010 – the advertising of consumer screens can lead to a doubling of sales. A field study that together by buying new Culinara m and the food specialist Bizerba Edeka comes to this conclusion. A range of 66 spice products of a reputable provider formed the starting point. The field study was to find out, which exert influence price actions in the monthly cycle, advertising on consumer screens screen scales, as well as the direct addressing of customer recipes on the sales figures. In the first week of the pilot project, Culinara Maier sold a total 204 packs, the first price action increased sales to 543 units, the second and third on average 700.

After the third price action, Culinara Maier began to apply 14 products from the Spice assortment on the consumer screens of the scales on the counters in the fresh food area. While the sales staff, for example, the skinny Roast pork is weighed, the consumers on the customer’s display of scale saw not only price and weight, but also matching spices. In addition, recipe suggestions were staff on sales page available, which could suggest the customer Additionally print out. These actions increased the sales number of 14 advertised products 264 in week 24, to 430 in calendar week 25. For the whole range, an increase of 676 1,082 units sold and surrendered this week, even though the products were already sold at the normal price. For the entire period of 21 weeks, the pilot project yielded the following results: from an assortment of 66 products 12 products have been in the meat and the fish area advertised two products on the Waagenscreens. Culinara-Maier 2,775 of these 14 actively advertised products sold in 21 weeks. For the almost four times greater control of 52 not actively advertised products in the control group, only a paragraph of 4.084 units surrendered.

Klaus Schamel

On customer request we use also polyols from recycled materials or renewable raw materials. RAMPF ecosystems gives us”these materials, explained Dr. Klaus Schamel, CEO RAMPF resins. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dr. Mitchell Resnick and gain more knowledge.. Recently, the company at the Conference was innovative suppliers”in Ingolstadt, Germany before the European standard plug for charging electric cars, which was manufactured from polyurethane resin for the company MENNEKES. In cooperation with sister company RAMPF Dosiertechnik from rooms O.r.. the materials specialist to the material offers the right equipment.

RAMPF Dosiertechnik specializes in low pressure mixing and dosing plants. As a provider of systems for the processing of one, two or multiple-component reaction resin systems such as by silicone, polyurethane or epoxy the machine Builder offers a broad product portfolio. This ranges from the simple hand installation up to the fully automated Production plant. The RAMPF group has thought knobs made of recycled material, even on the future of plastics. With RAMPF ecosystems, a division dedicated to only the recycling of polyurethane and the exploration of renewable raw materials such as rapeseed oil. Polyurethane production residues and post consumer”PET for packaging (green dot) are for ecosystems not waste but valuable sources of raw materials. They are special chemical process, glycolysis, Acidolysis or Polyolyse prepared polyols to (recycling). The so-called Recypole and Petole incorporated again in the manufacture of polyurethane.

Customers are the companies of the RAMPF group but also other systems integrators. In addition to the production of form parts such as headrests and turn knobs, recycling specialists take over also the plant construction at the customer. Thus, they close the loop from PUR processing, recycling, and again use of the derived polyols on-site. Currently, the experts in a new procedure for the recovery and recycling of composite materials research. The residues should then not more unmixed exist.

Measuring Throat Newly Presented

New throat teaching / measuring throat at Metav tools presented. The optimum measuring device for the production of Metav has expanded the product range again tools. The snap gauges are new in the range / measuring JAWS for use in series production. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Mitchell Resnick. The throat lesson comes with two different versions. Adjustable on the one and the other with adjustment for different diameters. The measuring throat / throat teaching with adjustment is suitable in particular for small series production, which can be set on different diameter measuring throat.

In the set diameter is a measurement range of +-0, 3 mm are available. A calibration is performed via a gauge block or the CheckMaster. Depending on the type, the adjustment range is 6 mm or 7 mm. The measuring JAWS without adjustment is also suitable for mass production. Here, too, the measuring range is +-0, 3 mm. All common fittings can be measured so easily. The calibration is carried out also a gauge block or the CheckMaster. All snap gauges have about: – ceramic Surface – Warmeisoliertem handle – nonmagnetic – Spannbohrunf o8 h6 – available in sizes 12-80 mm throat teaching / measuring jaws are also an excellent addition to the already built up range that includes more than 16,000 articles. An overview of the existing measuring JAWS can be obtained here: index.

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