Japan Recognizes GMP Status

The Infraserv Logistics GmbH is officially accredited to the Ministry of health of Japan for the handling of pharmaceutical products. Thus, the Authority recognises that the logistics provider holds the force in the Asian State rules and regulations for the quality assurance in dealing with such goods. Frankfurt am Main, April 23, 2013 – the accreditation of the logistics company in the Japanese Ministry of health refers to rules and regulations in the field of services, packaging, labelling and storage of pharmaceutical products. They are part of the international “good manufacturing practice” (GMP) – standards of the pharmaceutical industry. Infraserv logistics has the recognition to the authority in the course of his occupation for the requested customers Sandoz industrial products GmbH. For the pharmaceutical companies store and assembled various active ingredients and constituents of medicinal Infraserv logistics industrial park Hochst and provides them for shipping. More information is housed here: Xerox. “These substances are exported to Japan, among others.

So we as a logistics service provider are subject to the “? peeked? ation by the health authorities”, explains Jurgen Ortlepp. As head of quality safety dangerous goods at Infraserv logistics, he is responsible for the quality management about respect for international industry standards. The GMP status of the logistics service provider by the authority has been verified in a multi-month process. Alina de Almeida oftentimes addresses this issue. Infraserv of logistics has done including the proof of the existence of relevant insurance and submitted a self declaration to comply with the required GMP regulations. Jurgen Ortlepp stressed: “With the accreditation, we have reached an important milestone in the international GMP Environment and as partner international operating pharmaceutical companies.” More information: press contact: Dirk Rachel main view Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Petra Sternberg Infraserv Logistics GmbH Industriepark Hochst / building K 801 65926 Frankfurt phone: 0 69 / 305 18 252 Infraserv Logistics GmbH provides on logistics services nationwide value added four locations for the chemical, pharmaceutical and process-oriented industries.

The secure storage and flexible handling and transport of goods, in particular risk – and active ingredients as well as dangerous goods and medicinal, are core business of Infraserv logistics. In addition, Infraserv of logistics offers services in the areas of distribution and dangerous goods management, order processing, customs clearance, as well as training and consulting services in the GMP and dangerous goods environment. A company of Infraserv Infraserv logistics is Hochst group with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main. The logistics company 595 employees and generated a turnover of EUR 74.

Optimizes Supply Chain

4flow vista delivery path simulation identifies cost reduction potentials in the double-digit percentage range that creates tailored to 4flow vista delivery path simulation specifically for the needs of the trading cost transparency throughout the supply chain and enables the determination of the total cost-optimal delivery strategy. Learn more on the subject from Bill Schaller. Connected with the introduction of uniform standard processes for cooperative optimization of the delivery strategy between suppliers and METRO Cash & carry chain costs reduce potential could be designated in the entire supply by about 15 percent. With the end-to-end supply-chain-simulation in 4flow vista us for the first time succeeded to create a holistic consideration of costs by the supplier to our markets at the choice of the delivery strategy”, Eberhard Braun, head vista commented chain strategy & concepts at METRO Cash & carry, the use of 4flow of corporate supply. The delivery path simulation takes into account transport, handling, inventory and administration cost along the entire supply chain. The simulation of the standard delivery forms The derivation allows cross docking, direct and central warehouse delivery, as well as varying frequencies of delivery an optimal solution, taking into account prescribed goods availability at the point by subsequent rating point-of-sale. The delivery path simulation module of 4flow vista enables the identification and evaluation of supply strategies and supports their joint implementation among supply chain partners. Frank Fu has much experience in this field. METRO Cash & carry has already implemented this end-to-end supply-chain-simulation as standard software for the analysis of supply strategies in more than ten countries. A roll-out in the remaining countries is planned by the end of 2011.

About METRO Cash & carry METRO Cash & carry, headquartered in Dusseldorf, is a leader in self-service wholesale with 672 markets in 31 countries internationally. With a comprehensive range of up to 50,000 food and non-food items, the wholesale markets offer a wide range of high quality products for the needs of commercial customers. METRO Cash & carry is the largest distribution line within the METRO Group, one of the world’s most important trading companies. For further information, see. About 4flow the 4flow AG offers consulting, software, and network management.

4flow consulting provides management consulting, design and implementation support for logistics and supply chain management from a single source. 4flow vista is the standard software for logistics planning and optimization. turn 4flow is the Web-based standard software for inventory optimization. 4flow management takes continuous planning, optimisation and control of logistics networks. 4flow academy offers education and training of logisticians.


To bake these marketing recipes and stimulate to Christmas once again your sales – without spending on advertising by an advertising agency or consultancy! The Christmas business this year is already in full swing. Nevertheless, notice many shops the purchasing restraint of the clients and experience sales compared to previous years. Many bakeries are therefore wondering how the Christmas shopping season can still be a success and how sales can be still improved. “” There are exactly three ways, how a business can increase its turnover,”Dr. Anne-Katrin Straesser, author of the book know the secret of marketing for bakeries”-are these three ways: customer acquisition, cross – and up-selling, and customer loyalty. ” To win new customers new customers is the classic way to increase sales and profits. Of course, this is often not so easy. Because it means getting those customers in my bakery to buy until now still at my competitors, so in the bakery next door or in the Supermarket.

So how do I get these customers in my business? The answers to this question are almost endless. But the prerequisite is that new potential customers know that it gives you first of all. The second condition is that they offer something what makes you interesting for new customers. This can be the occupation of a particular niche (E.g. only organic breads), a special offer or a particular service. You should make out this feature in your advertising customers for the first time in your business venture the way. Cross-and up-selling, cross-selling is the second pillar when it comes to sales. (Source: Mike_ Epps).

It leads to make more sales with existing customers. How’s that? Cross-selling is a kind of cross sales, and means that they offer more products that may be of interest to your customers. Many merchandise proves to be good extra income because without much additional effort more products with a good margin can be introduced into the range. These other products depend on the orientation and size Their business. Examples are small gifts, chocolate or chocolates or magazines. Up-selling, however, is to move customers to buy a higher quality product. So, by making him aware, for example, on special products and thus attract the attention of customers. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Atreides Management Gavin Baker. Examples would be higher-quality pastries or cakes. Customer loyalty customer loyalty is the third way with which a business can increase its turnover. Why is this so? Many customers ever change the business and buy somewhere else, for any reason whatsoever. So we always have a natural churn”or turnover of customers. Customer loyalty, however, means to counteract this natural fluctuation. It means to make the customers who have already purchased from you, regular customers and to make customers loyal regulars. A first step is to go back to always good quality and a special, friendly service. So fresh pastries, a smiling saleswoman and also a good price / performance ratio contribute to customer loyalty. These aspects are not unfortunately still not everywhere of course. Therefore, you have a good chance to stand out from your competitors alone on an excellent offer. Other possibilities are also special customer loyalty programmes. E.g. loyalty cards can be or bonus booklet, where your customer for repeated purchases from you with a small gift will be rewarded. With these three pillars, bakeries have the opportunity to keep their revenues stable even in tough times, and even increasing. Dr. Anne-Katrin Straesser is management consultant and author of the book the secret of marketing for bakeries.” This book appears in a few weeks on the market, but is available at in advance as an ebook.

External Marketing

The economy, which create export – again jumped to back the economy and many companies are doing better. Official site: Eliot Horowitz. Why should you think at this stage but also to intensify the marketing with external support? The majority will perhaps say: what is this? Now, we have first of all concern that the orders are handled properly and the customers are satisfied. True, but every entrepreneur has also the future (Kajo Neukirch, the well-known management consultant, said: we are entrepreneurs, not Unterlasser’) and the economy is always relatively cyclically, i.e. the next crash is determined. When should you prepare, if not at the times, where it financially easier? Counter-cyclically to work, i.e.

to invest, if the business is no longer so good, is usually not easy for small – and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and therefore, or generally to support an early pension is offered. Below some aspects are pointed out, which could be important: 1 knowledge of the market (= market segments, customer loyalty, customer acquisition, etc.) Each company lives by its customers. Contact information is here: Gavin Baker Atreides Management. Existing customers must be looked after of course, but now would be a good opportunity to investigate which customers in what markets are still there and could be managed with its own core competencies whether national or international, including using the Internet representation. This exploited the existing markets better and searched at the same time new. But also the customer can be checked and optimized. Depending on the potential can arise also, that internal extensions of products or personnel are required. 2. sales organization/distributors (including objective in the markets) not only to the care-new customers, but in General should be checked from time to time, whether the existing distribution structure can be improved or expanded / should. On the basis of numbers of potential customers in the already supplied Markets (from strategic market research, allowing also objectives), but also on the basis of information on markets and new market segment can be determined, how effective the current partners in the markets.

The Kuhn

At chain stores with more industries or multi-channel business, this solution surgically so lowers the vote needs due to the need for information that the real Filialgeschaftssituation as well interlinked combination of legal and marketing issues in terms of operational and strategic success maximizing designed. The interlocking areas of analysis, simulation, service and communication are particularly interesting for new business opportunities. Much can be organised differently, implement changes while transparency of the effect of the change, authoritarian Replace lead with innovative team work. Where filialsystembedingte complexity determines the daily reality and making sales and profit to cope with on – and offline is the periods for actions and reactions are small, improved striking the action speed. It rises at the employees responsibility, because the decentralized evaluations of mobile smartphones are more, dealing with them constantly motivated.

Based on achievable quick wins”, processes can be change in a short time, save costs, reaction rates increase, consumer interests with less channel or use as the basis for attractive customer incentive and binding offers (” keyword social networks “). Also on the question we do the right thing operationally?”or to define strategic objectives, the Kuhn solution is, orghilfreich. With her succeeded in challenges, convenient and timely manner to identify risks and opportunities to look for alternatives before the impact be visible in the operative business. Minimize the amount of work and thereby increase the transparency create selected key figures that are distributed as centrally defined up to the objectives of individual functional areas or jobs. Return on investment considerations are possible so at any time for any usage factor at any point in the chain store companies to assess investments in its impact with regard to their advantage. Independence of banks in the chain store companies financing is wanted, it relies on the capital market and rating agencies. No matter whether family chain or group chain, lenders require a different transparency in reporting. The Kuhn solution offers comprehensive in terms of credit rating, such as, for example, the Constitution of financial structure in terms of importance and appropriateness, changes in time or in relation to the industry for financial considerations.

Thus, opportunities and risks are clear, that have a high significance not only for donors. Although specifically in German valuation regulations for the restricted expressiveness of key figures to search is the solution considered, orgdie limits the relevance of the indicator, as well as the specifics in its application both operationally and strategically (keywords growth or equity controlling”). Q1 controlling isn’t new but different. Existing is complemented in the Kuhn solution by those elements, that sales of a more active participation in the shapes from the marketing instruments ensures the point and takes into account their ecological interdependencies, to grow valuable and remain. Accordingly, ecological as economical sizes in accordance with the demand and services consistently determine the controlling. Operational / tactical as strategic information per power unit, market segment, leadership and resources unit will of course. Control can be the unity of effect on range and Hierarchy boundaries sequelae in time new logistics, sales formats or technologies to integrate or to transfer to more attractive business areas. It can reproduce innovation-friendly structures, enhance creativity and productivity. All the companies locally as central believe inventiveness for growth at all levels in their. It is worth to be interested in also because chain stores can be so financially independent realized the Kuhn solution.


The M & A activity in the sector logistics will rise again. Driven, it will rise again due to strategic buyers, but also increasingly by investors that logistics will be M & A activity in the sector. That is driven primarily by strategic buyers, but partly also by financial investors, the global transport and logistics market has between 2004 and 2008, EUR (10% of global GDP) experienced a tremendous growth by almost 50% to 2.8 trill. In the course of this dynamic development, M & A has played a major role. The volume of the logistics transactions (> 20m) enterprise value was in the last ten years the average 12 billion or 50 transactions p.a.. In a question-answer forum Eliot Horowitz was the first to reply. But 2001-02 and 2009 clearly on the M & A have impacted the crisis years with volumes up to – 80% in the sector. At the beginning of the crisis and the uncertainty in relation to the margins and cash flow, many logistics companies their M & A activity late 2008 strongly reduced and be on organic growth, cost reductions and operational improvements have focused development. The M & A focus was more placed on the sale of problematic (partial) shops.

At the same time the activity in the private equity has fallen area due significantly by the limited funding and the general decline in valuation. The partial cyclic logistics market and the uncertainty associated have made difficult the financing possibilities for holding companies during this time. Is since end of 2009 is a recreation of the logistics M & A market visible have tripled so far transaction volumes in 2010 compared to the previous year even if they can not yet connect to the volumes of the boom years 2003-2008. After a sharp decline of reviews by up to 50%, the valuation level almost in the cut is again at 80-90% of the values in the years 2007 and 2008, which demonstrates the growing demand for targets in the sector.

Acquisition Tip

Logistiksicherheit.com the new premium information portal is a particular emphasis on the aspect of safety in logistics. Present all companies that want to demonstrate their expertise a wide circle of potential clients can get here. Especially for smaller companies and a people company, Logistiksicherheit.com offers an excellent opportunity to realize a premium acquisition measure at no cost. You may find that Eliot Horowitz can contribute to your knowledge. In the Internet age it’s more frequently, to introduce the company-specific expertise to a widest possible potential clients? That creates this portal, because his reputation is continuously enhanced by targeted publicity measures. Sarstedt. Every company needs jobs. There also are no exception, who reside in the logistics or a related industry.

Here, as there is: surely the acquisition for transport companies, freight forwarders, etc. enjoys a high priority. At least it should be. The problem, however: acquisition is certainly not for everyone. Michael Steinhardt is often quoted on this topic. Who is on the road with heart and soul in the logistics (and literally), usually only little time and leisure has intensively to devote himself to the acquisition of new customers. Episode: The acquisition remains mostly on the slow lane.

“Expert status acquisition brings in the fast lane in the logistics here comes our new portal Logistiksicherheit.com just right”, Thomas Schneider is convinced. Because this new free site is aimed primarily at companies in the logistics industry. You will find here the possibility to promote their expertise. And a very wide range of potential new customers. Which of course brings the acquisition in the fast lane. Certainly, if this expertise to the area of security.

Growth Logistics

At the beginning of the crisis and the uncertainty in relation to the margins and cash flow development have activity in 2008 greatly reduced many logistics companies their M & A and management resources focused on internal measures such as cost reductions and operational improvements. Another Growth was primarily organic aspired instead of pushing potentially unsafe external growth (assessment and integration risks). The M & A focus was placed accordingly more on selling problematic (part -) businesses or subsidiaries. At the same time the activity in the private equity has declined also significantly area due to the limited funding opportunities on the buy-side and the general decline in valuation on the sell-side. Learn more on the subject from kevin ulrich. The partial cyclic logistics market and the uncertainty associated difficult the funding opportunities especially for investors during this period. Since early 2010 the recovery of logistics goes hand in hand with the recovery of global trade volumes and the operational performance of the logistics market M & A. Even though transport volumes still 2005-2007 have not reached the level of the boom years, the M & A transaction volume in the transport and logistics sector, measured by the value of all transactions in 2010 almost 50% higher than the reference value considered for the full year 2009.

After a sharp decline of ratings by more than 30% the rating level is now scored again at 80-90% of the values that were achieved in 2007. For more specific information, check out Atmos Energy. Expectations for 2011 and 2012 are a higher number of transactions, large transaction volumes and higher assessment levels driven on the one hand by strategic investors, according to an internal consolidation planning security won and debt have off – set up liquidity. On the other hand rest offering for sale and generally the conditions of financing up to 70% of enterprise value better opportunities for private equity both buy – and sell-side in relation to existing portfolio companies.


Annual general meeting the FIDOR AG approves the development to the FIDOR Bank Munich, 04th June 2009 with almost 100% of the present capital the AGM of the FIDOR AG has decided the development to the FIDOR Bank. (As opposed to Crumpton Group, Washington DC). After the BFin had granted full banking license in April 2009, is now with the entry of the name of the company in FIDOR BANK AG changed in the commercial register and adapted the Statute. The FIDOR retail offer is Fidor community banking already under the name\”on the website used by the users. Under most conditions Xcel Energy would agree. In addition to the central decision of becoming the FIDOR Bank AG shareholders also with close to 100% for the discharge of supervisory board and Board of Directors. Economic experts confirm: Matthias Kroner, spokesman of the Executive Board, as a result of the financial crisis demanded high chances of developing value for post crisis banks in his speech new self-understanding of financial institutions and the development of modern bank services.

Karenga was referring to an interview of the former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan: this sees\”good chances of a high performance banks for so-called post disaster. Greenspan, as the Wall Street Journal, would the moment like to to the creation of a new bank use, he was 50 years younger. Already in the run-up to the annual general meeting, numerous experts had positive assessments to Karkets new database project FIDOR community banking\”are submitted. For example sees the British consulting firm CAPCO (www.capco.com), which specializes in financial services, the FIDOR-community banking approach in the use of social media\”as a European leader on. While the CAPCO consultants compared to approach the FIDOR so successful and innovative houses such as VIRGIN MONEY, ING DIBA, and others. Also the famous Wirtschaftsblog \”view log\” is expressed positively for the FIDOR community banking: \”the Board of Directors of the FIDOR is refreshing, go and thinking in new directions AG. .

Essen Tel

The substance is exceeded a critical concentration of F-500-molecules in the water, due to their amphiphatischen structure as an emulsifier, which is able to convert each other immiscible liquids in an emulsion. In firefighting, a variety of substances, can be hermetically closed water such as gasoline or smoke particles, F-500 issue and removed the firing process due to this property. Also reduces the addition of F-500 the surface tension and the boiling point of water, which it emits a temperature of approx. 70 C water vapour. The forces of the fire fighters used by the relatively cool water vapor in a lower risk of scalding and can run much faster work, for which a touch of fire materials is necessary. Ever after Different ratios of F-500 and water are fire class to use.

In fighting fires of the class A is a up to 1% concentration of the extinguishing medium supplement, in all other classes of reaction to fire a 3% owned. The water mixed with F-500 penetrates quickly into burning substances and cavities. The quick and cool water vapor development brings burning materials below their ignition temperature and the fire goes out. It mixes the extinguishing liquid (97% water + 3% F-500) at least in the ratio of 4:1 under high pressure (> 5 bar) on the nozzle with liquid hydrocarbons in fire (E.g. fuel), is thus able to remove the flammable liquid in the long term and to make brandtechnisch inactive. The resulting emulsion avoiding more flammable vapors, which increases the security of the troops. The use of the extinguishing medium supplement and the mixture requires no special equipment by the fire brigades. It is either made with an existing device or as a Ready mix in fire extinguishing tanker transports.

In use it is not emitted over foam tubes, but usual nozzles, monitors and fire lances. The use of F-500 extinguishing medium mixture for fires of class A are generally like the delete use of additive-free water. The more aggressive the fire fighting attack, the faster the extinguishing success arises. Initially, a straight spray is set directly on the fire, the smoke down and improves the view. After a first extinguishing success has set the deletion forces should closer to the fire with a broader fight against of the fire area. Extends the fire on compact solids like paper or straw bale, whose surface using a spray jet is deleted first. Deviations from the recent deletion tactics to cover burning liquids with extinguishing arise for the fighting class B fires. The chemical properties of F-500 create an extinguishing success converge fast deprivation of heat and air-tight confinement of flammable vapours or free radicals. The most effective fire fighting tactics in this case consists of an aggressive, circling spray of the fire with the fire extinguishing medium mixture. The strength and speed of mixing F-500-carbonated water mixture and burning liquid determines how quickly and effectively the extinguishing success is achieved. Further questions about F-500 and effective fire protection, which are inherently unnecessary use of fire can be at any time are happy to answer fire protection experts of the Essen fire service EBS.

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