Hardware Cosmetology

The development of modern cosmetology has led to what is now increasingly beginning to use techniques aimed at promoting the body, rather than replace its functions. And this is achieved with using methods that do not require direct human exposure. We are talking about hardware cosmetology procedures under which the impact of discharge current, light or sound waves. Increasing popularity acquires hardware cosmetology in the treatment of acne, that is to eliminate pimples and . The above defects are inflammatory processes, which are terminated under the influence, for example, the current in the procedure electroplating. This method is based on the fact that the skin is passed by a small dc power supply, which activates the regeneration of weakened cells. Also "force" is used in the current micro-current therapy in which effects on different layers of the skin have a low-frequency signals. This method promotes lymphatic drainage, that is, the exchange processes. Due to this there is a conclusion from the cells of toxins and other hazardous decomposition products and enriching them with oxygen and nutrients. As can be seen, the hardware cosmetology, and in particular those based on the use of current, are an effective means not only eliminating pimples and , but increase strength of the body, preventing their recurrence.



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