Pope Franziskus

Accordingly, the Sedisvakantismus has virtually no chance of such not only in the sense that the media publish anything about it in the media. There is also the active suppression, i.e. sedisvakantistische contributions in forums, etc. are unlocked by the respective media often do not or but – with automatic instant activation – very quickly deleted. But now something special: The media conglomerate NBC Universal headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City is one of the pioneers of radio and TV work in several ways and was temporarily even market leader in the American TV business. NBC has also a news division “NBC News”.

The terms sedevacantist (Sedisvakantist or sedisvakantistisch) or sedevacantism (Sedisvakantismus) were on nbc.com, nor on nbcnews.com. On the 15.10.2013 was at least nbcnews.com taboo, such in the message “not everyone loves Francis Pope: conservative Catholics voice concern over ‘revolutionary’ message ‘ (not everyone loves Pope Franziskus: conservative Catholics Express) Concern about “revolutionary” message). Keyword of a taboo: web.de (20.03.2013) reported in the article “the Pope loves taboo breaches. Pope Franziskus is since March 13 in the Office”:”the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has repeatedly made sensation since his election as Pope on March 13. … The South American is known for its quarries of taboo.” The Protestant “Sunday journal” (No. 15; 07.04.2013) published an article “the taboo of the Pope. With the washing of the feet for women Francis ignores Canon law”.

And accordant article wrote the Protestant Christian Schmidt, MdB / CSU, a letter to the Editor published in csu.de then. Also: The Socialist daily newspaper “New Germany” (21.09.2013) published an article “the Pope wants to heal the Church. New remarks by Francis between dogmatism and taboo”. Jorge, the visible head of the taboo-breaker? First to the etymology: taboo is not a biblical term he is accordingly not in Catholic Biblical or moraltheologischen textbooks before.

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