NRW Media

“Media convergence: development of a journal within their practical final project at the end of the three-month basic course precursor 2009 of the Academy of printing + media NRW e.V. in Lunen, participants will have a magazine named media Moderna” developed and implemented. In addition to creative design and technical quality trainers while laid emphasis on the content up to date which was cross-media use of information topics one of many topic areas. This was produced by creating a pixel matrix (QR code) on the cover of the magazine, which now guides the reader through photographing this code with a suitable mobile phone on a project website. There are further information about exactly this link between print and WEB. For years, the premium three-month basic course is precursor”Academy pressure + media NRW e.V. an integral part of vocational training to the media designer for digital and print media. For the participants, the course has ended 2009 with a practical final project: Media Moderna”.

“Us concerned primarily to convey many aspects of modern media work, clean up outdated myths and especially the interest in current cutting-edge technologies and trends among participants”, so Andre Husken, trainer for education and training at the Academy of printing + media NRW e.V. the focus of the project work had on the conception, design and creation of the journal media Moderna “”, but the usage and connectivity in the and with the Internet, a more important role have played here.” “The participants of the project media Moderna” were given the task to conceptualize a magazine with expert knowledge in the field of print and media, design, texts and realize. This should show how well trainees are actually prepared for the demands of their future profession as a media designer for digital and print media. A print with articles originated from a modern world of the printing and media industry, which is from the perspective of trainers do not hide behind comparable magazines must “in the contrary.



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