Alice Miller

The children forget everything that you met in the first childhood over the years. Can there be the will of the children, so they thereafter never remember that they had a will.”J. Sulzer: attempt of the education and instruction of children, 1748 becoming well known today is the home education practiced in many countries in homes of Church order (asylums in Ireland or poor service maids of Jesus Christ) who has broken the will of children and young adults until the late twentieth century. Although some actions in the framework of education in these institutions were long illegal, the history of black education in these institutions is slowly reclaimed or only known. Just the Catholic ideal of obedience favored corporal punishment in homes. Following summary statement ( about Peter Wensierskis book strikes in the name of the Lord shows how alive the poisonous pedagogy was until recently:… the network of German children and youth hostels up to in the (19) seventies into more a children’s Gulag secularized as a welfare system.

There were 3000 and more homes at this time, 80 per cent were in Christian hands, far outweighed the Catholic institutions. Wensierski anticipates that several hundred thousand people who have been through these facilities.” Alice Miller works out the aspect, as children are encouraged not to realize that they were abused under the violence of adults, especially in the form of sexual abuse. Under the poisonous pedagogy ‘ I understand one Education, which is designed to break the will of the child, with the help of open or hidden power, manipulation and extortion to make it the obedient subject.”A. Miller: Eve awakening, 2001 source:, extract humans as cybernetic forced adaptation (control) to the industrialization and its automation (mechanistic world and people image: obedient subject).

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