Argentine Minister

The Paranhos fit (Visconde of the Rio Branco), to present a memory to the Argentine Ministers Santiago Derqui (Interior) and Barnab Lopez (Exterior) of the government of Urquiza. Hear other arguments on the topic with ConocoPhillips. However, the results happened of this treating to 1857, had not been lasting, because in first place, two successive stated periods of ratifications had been loosers, postponing the final solution of the dispute; in according to place, the moment was unhappyly little favorable, in reason of the difficulties and of the alienations that at that moment appear then it enters the province of Buenos Aires and the Argentina Confederation. However, the treat one to 1857, being did not leave a historical document of great importance for future negotiations involving the missioneira region. Since this document was confectioned taking in account the treated one to 1750 and the landmarks of 1759, that it established the Rivers Uruguay, Pepiri-guau, Saint Antonio and Iguau, as recognized border. In the year of 1876, according to OAK, 1998, p.191, the Argentine Minister of the Irigoyen exterior made proposals in view of new instructions the commissioners nominated for both the governments (Brazil and Argentina), disdaining, thus, the 1759 works. However, the Imperial Government did not accept the proposals, but it made a counterproposal that was refused by the Irigoyen Minister. He gave himself then of this form, for finished the mission it Baron Aguiar de Andrada, who had been nominated for Cotegipe to decide, in Buenos Aires, the question of limits.

The territory called Missions, always consisted for independent Brazil, in an area of security and defense, indispensable for the communications of the Rio Grande Do Sul with the remaining portion of the country. From there the interest, of Brazil stops with this region. also, therefore, the fields of Palmas and re had been early busy (of 1836 the 1840). in this conjuncture, in the year of 1850, already we counted there about 30.000.00 heads of cattle.



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