Brewers And Maltsters In Duisburg Absolved

New stag fit learned nine trainees for the NRW brewing that training in the brewing industry is no child’s play in their three-year training period. Brewers and Maltsters to be, very much theoretical material must be prevailed and implemented in practice. Now, the new recruits in the beer cellar of the Duisburg King brewery were absolved after its passing examination of Gambrinus. Together with his first Brewmaster and Chairman of the Audit Committee, Oliver Landsberger, Guido Christiani, Managing Director, welcomed the King brewery technology, the former apprentices, their family members and teachers. All major breweries are industrial enterprises. However, we place emphasis on the training of our employees and staff.

Especially in the production field of beer production we use only qualified brewers and Maltsters, who understand their craft.” Currently, two trainees in their third year of training learn this interesting profession. Another completed one dual training. The Managing Director of the brewery associations could characterize the three best even at the end of the winter testing for their accomplishments. There were 300 euro for Rouven Quentin Olbrich of the Dortmunder Actien Brauerei from the hands of Jurgen Witt a cheque. Merle of Boskens Ziad of the Iserlohn Brewery has enjoyed over 200 euro. And there were hundreds of euros Santos by the Krombacher Brewery for Florian. What she and her colleagues did during the three-year training period, is something very special.

All the attention is theirs. Congratulations. Our industry can be rightly proud of their new recruits. But my thanks goes also to all trainers and teachers who have made this possible. ” Merle of Boskens Diebels is stepped in the footsteps of their famous ancestors. The 21-year-old comes from the lower Rhine Altbier dynasty of family Diebels. I’m now”break, the young woman says their training graduated from Brauerin and Malzerin at the Iserlohn brewery. Until October, I would like to see something of the world. Then I’ll study brewing in Weihenstephan and Berlin.” Why she chose this profession? I like the combination of science and technology. And I have learned a profession with a future.” Information:

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