Comparing Results

Since the launching of the Bing in day 2 of this month, we saw an increasing use of the service, beyond is clearly, a series of critical to the system. Much was said of new ' ' Google Killer' ' , or still a system that very weak and is seemed the Live, old system of search of Microsoft. The question is that it is inevitable to compare the two systems, making consultations in each one and thus observing each one of the search mechanisms. Some programmers had used to advantage the chance and had created pages that can simultaneously make consultations in the two mechanisms of search. He uses to advantage these systems and he has also tested you: Bing And half easy GoogleUm to make consultation in the two mechanisms of search. It places the word and click in ' ' Bing! and Google! ' ' to have the two screens of the search mechanisms. The good one is that you can Twittar directly its resultado.BingleUma junction of Bing + Google = Bingle.

&#039 is very interesting to be able to alternate enters each one of the services through links; ' all bing' ' , ' ' bingle' ' ' ' all google' '. And compares Google BingCom some ads in the system, but possesss a way to alternate around in some versions of the Bing of the world. It is well interesting but it finishes for to be half poludo. Blind SearchPor end, one of the systems that are more generating buzz is the Blind Search, where you type a search and the sample system 3 columns with 8 results. You must choose the best column to know which you are the Search Engine (Google, Bing or Yahoo!) used.



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