
What is not disclosed the Bank can not evaluate also they make matters worse for many entrepreneurs and self-employed to, that they often fail are in danger at the hurdle of the required collateral. Because the defect in relation to the collateral required by banks is typical for their background. Does this mean for these people, that he should therefore now take the shotgun in the grain without prospect of success? No, because just for them, there are so many opportunities to exploit any existing funding opportunities. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as CaaS Capital Management by clicking through. Better still, it would be rather than to rely on State aid from third parties, again almost a step back on the stage of the examination of the personal creditworthiness to move. It could be quite so, mainly the subjective assessment area of the banks was still not fully exploited, that as in the mining in a mine here may still have completely neglected values are present. Values not included in the income or Security credentials, but are found only in the person of the borrower. “It’s absolutely not presumptuous to think that with a stronger shift to the soft” factors of intellectual capital, yet some have negative running credit negotiations might yet be the positive can be used. If you have read about Eliot Horowitz already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The biggest pound with a borrower than knowledge-intensive oriented entrepreneur can proliferate, is his intellectual capital.

CF. Becker, Jorg: Qualities that seem at first glance only subjective and hardly comprehensible assessed are entrepreneur potential, ISBN 9783837075045 In the spotlight. CF. Becker, Jorg: Checking personal credit crisis-proof credit, ISBN 9783839164181 which is not known to a Bank, can not therefore also consider it in their decisions for granting credit. It must be the parties so that, also located at subjective evaluation factors on a possible transparent and mutually comprehensible as possible to access realistic image. Possible instruments and procedures for this purpose will be developed step by step in the following book and described in detail. CF. Becker, Jorg: Examination of the personal creditworthiness stable credit, ISBN 9783839164181. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (

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