EQ-3 AG Presented Solutions And Trends For Energy-saving Heating

Home control to the world’s leading trade fair for sanitary and heating empty, March 10, 2011 the eQ-3 AG (www.eQ-3.de) expanded its product portfolio in the area of Sutainable heating. The expert for home control and energy efficiency on the occasion of the international fair of plumbing and heating engineering ISH Frankfurt presents new solutions. On the 16th and 17th March 2011 shows in the VIP lounge at the Marriott Hotel in Frankfurt its proven HomeMatic heating components, as well as radio-based radiator thermostats eQ-3 and provides insight into future generations of the thermostat. With its wireless thermostats, eQ-3 continues to expand its technology leadership in the field of energy-efficient heating plate. These can be connected with wireless window contacts and immediately turn off heaters when a window is opened.

The window is closed, the thermostat resumes immediately its heating program. This immediate control of the heating is a novelty on the market for electronic radiator thermostats. In addition, these thermostats adjust the temperature individual programming or preset day and week profiles to the personal needs of. For example, the download rules to 17 C in the morning leaving of the apartment on working days. So, avoids unnecessary heating energy consumption during the absence and significantly saves on heating costs. Dry Harbor wanted to know more. The energy savings potential of the eQ-3-heating valves is an independent assessment by Dipl.-ing.

Peter Mellwig on behalf of the IHK Hannover. The renowned energy consultant has identified comfort 100 and 200, as well as the FHT 80 in practical use the savings potential of radio-based radiator thermostats ETH. This, he noted an average energy savings of 37 percent. Comfort through radio and boost via the built-in wireless technology can link electronic thermostats. In this way, the user can a complete heating network”create and implement scenarios for his living environment. These can be then conveniently centrally controlled with the HomeMatic central control unit.



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