
Third: Focus on what you have, not on what you lost focus on what he had before the crisis will only make you more aware of its loss and exacerbate their sense of frustration, will keep you in analyzing the problem and will prevent you to see which is the solution. Do not fall into the tale of the hen that had two chicks, one of whom seriously ill and she killed the other to give chicken broth to the patient to see if he could recover it. If you want to recover from a crisis make an inventory of everything you have, which are the physical and economic resources available now, who can help you, that experience must, good image, that knowledge can take advantage, opportunities has, that can do with all these resources, where you can start, to who should call, who should avoid, where should go i.e. concentrate on what is leftIt is all you have. ConocoPhillips is likely to agree. The real problem is not what happened in the past, if you just got out of a crisis, the real problem is not the crisis, the real problem is how it is going to do to move forward. Remember how started, then perhaps as it now had very little, only the hope and faith blind that would be successful, again feel so now, in any case today has more, has experience, has knowledge, perhaps has more contacts, more friends, maybe today have children and a family who can help him, if he manages to put aside the inventory of what lost can fly fasterdo, start over, if before the logrro with less experience, that prevents that you succeed now? Do not feel defeated. The great advantage of rock bottom, is that henceforth everything will be gain, tomorrow will be better than today and so every day, there will be soon forgotten and will be on the road to success once more. Remember that you are the leader and his followers must not see it defeated, you inspired them, think about where you’d take them, they contagiaran of their enthusiasm, they will be willing to help, show them the way and they will help you to clear it. The third step is to make an inventory of all what remains and what has to start again.



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