FSX Mega Airports

Within Germany Munich EDDM Frankfurt EDDF in my first blog let us titled of FSX airports these days for the first time”. By this we mean addons that alter the very simplistic programmed FSX world in a realistic experience. There are many software forge – with different priorities in the development and qualities. Mega Airport Frankfurt airport will be displayed completely and holistically. All buildings match the original, and give a good impression of Germany’s largest airport. Because the program has a few years under their belt, all new, additional downloads on each case of Aerosoft should be downloaded with! With a further, additional download for example is.

Completed in the year 2011, the runway 07 L / 25R and the appropriate taxiways. The scale airfield joined of course still realistically programmed traffic at the airport in the form of cars and ambulances with blue light on the taxiways. The manual contains all information and is quite manageable design. It is very laudable that equal a whole swing of airport charts is delivered with. Who wants to fly to the airport with the new car, I recommend the inevitable to buy alternative charts – with correct ILS frequency and complete layout, since the complete name of the taxiways have changed last year! This airport is a real must-have for all German FS pilots! Mega Airport Munich of the mega airport of southern Germany came in November 2010 on the market and shows the airport at this time. d.

The airport is complete and the entire infrastructure was implemented. The airport has”the complete Munich flair. is highly recommended that all taxiways without exception and are accurately reproduced! Prototypical use with the AES additional software”, you can even push-in-Gates”. In addition to the usual traffic also very typical for airport vehicles join up on the tarmac with. In addition to trucks also ICARO vehicles with blue light. Conclusion all two extensions are absolutely recommend! The most fun a short-distance flight from Frankfurt to Munich…

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