Klaus Blaszczyk

Succeeded in the final and a further DeltMaster users: BJB, a traditional, owner-managed family company that operates as a world market leader for lampholders in over 70 countries. The candidate Dietmar Birkholzer, Klaus Blaszczyk and Edgar Chantre represented how they the entrepreneurship of the past revive through their BI applications: earlier the entrepreneur himself or anywhere in the operation could see to the right. That is today by the internationalization and the complexity of the processes significantly more difficult but with BI to get this model again closer. A rock-solid, consistent BI solution arose here, praised Dr. Bange, which shines with a data-dense, innovative information design. The jury of the competition was staffed with representatives from companies, academia and the media boom: Dr.

Carsten Bange (BARC) as Chairman, Axel Bange (business intelligence network), Martin Bayer (Computerwoche) Dr. Wolfgang Behme (Continental AG), Prof. Dr. Peter Chamoni (University of Duisburg, TDWI), Dr. Barbara Dinter (University St. Gallen), Prof. Uwe Lange (Hannover RE), Dr.

Carsten Sapia (BMW AG), Dr. Hans-Georg Kemper (University of Stuttgart), Prof. Dr. Andreas Salvador (Institute for BI and BI expert group leader of the ICV), Thorsten Sommer (Volkswagen), Dieter Steinmann (Fraport) and Andreas Stilger (DekBank). More details can be found under: references/Best_Practice_Award about Bissantz & company Bissantz & company, founded in 1996, is a German owned software company and specializes in solutions for demanding tasks of data analysis, planning and reporting. The main product is DeltMaster, an integrated business intelligence software that addressed all user groups under a uniform surface finish by the professional analysts of the report recipients up to the budget planner. A special focus is on the automation of business analysis. Moreover Bissantz as a pioneer, what is the design (visualization) of reports and cockpits. Press contact Bissantz & company GmbH, Nordring 98 90409 Nuremberg Dr.

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