Make Before Choosing One Web Hosting

In the industry of web hostings exists thousand of good and bad companies, who vendem lodging web. To find and to buy lodging web only in good web hostings is difficult. therefore, I compiled this list of 9 questions that you must make before choosing one web hosting.1. The frequency of backups? 2. Which are the tools and software that web hostings makes use to assure that my sites are always online? 3.

Which is the domain number that I can use in each plan of lodging web? 4. Which are the politics of payment and use of the company? 5. Which the way of functioning of the serving ftp? 6. I have access to the filing-cabinets of log and statisticians? 7. I can create email accounts, in web hosting? 8. What he is enclosed in the contract? 9. Maximum time of reply of the service of support to the customer?



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