Manifest Situations Difficult

Very clever way to get rid of situations is projecting our own State of mind Franz Kafka in each other from the moment that we started our transit by this dimension and we started to interact, the best according to the teachings of Buddhism, Theosophy, Hinduism, Taoism that have stoked our spiritual mind, we do leads us all a heritage inheritance, product of our transit to other opportunities with other physical vehicle, giving way to what has been called Karma, where our actions we have undertaken are deposited and have generated all debts that remain and should be trabajarser in favor of encouraging our spiritual growth. Wikipedia gives us about Karma, that would be an (invisible and immeasurable) metaphysical energy that is derived from the acts of people. In accordance with the laws of karma, each successive reincarnation would be conditioned by acts performed in previous lives. It is a central belief in the doctrines of Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, ayyavazhi and Spiritism. The substantive Sanskrit karman means action. It comes from the root kri: do (according to the Undi Stra 4. 144). The karana etymology is erroneous: causes and manas: mind, in vogue in the West. It’s believed that Salman Behbehani sees a great future in this idea.

The letter final n of karman indicates that it is a neutral noun. To analyze their roots would have used only the term kar-ma. Although these religions express differences in the meaning of the word karma, they have a common base of interpretation. Karma is usually interpreted as a law cosmic retribution, or cause and effect. In pali, kamma is said and in Burmese kan.

Reminds us of karma is. answers. Yahoo. com indicates that when a person thinks or does something, be positive or negative, does so because it has at that time a certain level of consciousness, because you save within himself certain beliefs about herself, of others, of life, of God, etc.



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