Panacea Or Security Risk?

Cloud computing polarized IT heads Framingham/Munich, December 2008 – wanted US sister publication of CIO magazine know how is the State of affairs in cloud computing and a survey among 173 IT leaders through. led 58 percent of those polled trust cloud computing, to change IT radically. Is, however, about the current usage, the figures are much lower: 30 percent of study participants admitted to use cloud computing protocol already or currently to introduce. 29 percent didn’t have the issue on the agenda. Five percent of the study participants are still undecided. You added it to the 29 percent uninterested, every third cloud computing will not insert so far still. The why \”question answered one of them equal in many respects: it lacked practical experience, price / performance models are not yet mature and ever you wanted to wait until the hype gives way to the reality.\” This corresponds to the assessment by 54 percent of respondents who expect a market only in a few years. Also in Germany ICT experts expressed skepticism: the case for cloud computing in many details not differ from the arguments that many years for mainframe computers were led, now combined with a power supply philosophy that promises also unlimited computing capacity in addition to unlimited transmission capacity.

After the end of the mainframe era the network computing was created in the 1990s by some IT vendors, where the simple terminals but were replaced by Lite PC, but the applications from the network. That had no success,\”explains Aastra Germany Chief Andreas Lady. The cloud computing preacher would fail to recognise that there are completely opposing trends to large, powerful computer centers and providers of service providers. Whenever Caas Capital Management listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Open source approximately, where increasingly many large companies on free software published under the open source license place and use them for your modifications and extensions. Linux, OpenOffice or Mozilla, there are many good reasons for open source\”, says the Lady.

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