
The So Paulo laborers, denouncing facing the pelegos unions, they had unchained actions that had reed-echo in the Brazilian syndical fight. The unsatisfied syndical base with the performance of the pelegos of the cupola of the unions, not compromised with the interests of the laborers, in protest against this comodismo, such unchain strategical actions as: Operation Turtle deceleration of the production Commissions of 2 Plants. These strategies they had produced effect positives efficient, therefore, the So Paulo metallurgist with the mobilization movements had knocked down the pelegos unions and had started to fight against sustentculo of the Brazilian military dictatorship the wage wage freeze. The laborers had ignored the effective repressive syndical legislation, breaching, in the practical one, with the law antistrike initiating an performance that unleashed the syndical structure of the structure of the State. In this manner, they prepare land stops future stoppages, leaving of the phase of resistance for an ample movement of masses, followed for other categories, such as: doctors, bank clerks, public officers, among others, average segments of the society that had passed, with the end of the economic miracle, to quickly suffer the responsibility from the exploration, proletarizando itself. 1 Skin of the sheep with the used wool in the harnesses on which if it puts the saddle to soften the seat – word of contemptuous matrix, in the syndical movement (HOUAISS, 2001, p.2172). 2 the Commissions of Plants searched to approach the worker in its workstation, as well as stimulating the fight for conquest its rights. These Commissions had for objective to represent the specific interests of the laborers of each plant and become it great strategy of the new unionism. first Commission of Plant, officially recognized was of the Ford of Brazil, in Is Bernardo of the Field, in the 1981 strike (BRITO, 1983, p.



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