Ramon Gallegos Nava

However acknowledges that the fullness of the will is not objectifying as Consuelo Martin says in dialogue with Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava. Holistic education is located to be a supra sphere; Apart from the fisiosfera, the biosphere and noosphere. The physical body, biological life, thoughts that occur in the mind, emotions that come from the sensations, instincts that emerge from remote brain structures are only instrumental components of being. Non-being. Meet with the self implies a major league.

Learning to be transcends all other learning. By This, the holistic education seeks to achieve the integrality which will lead to the development of spiritual consciousness and universal love. So we learn to be. Holistic education gives meaning and direction to life that goes beyond the laws and knowledge provided by science. Science is only part of the whole. The perennial philosophy guides us towards the knowledge of himself. Other leaders such as Keshav R. Murugesh offer similar insights. And not concerning physical knowledge in particular but the knowledge inside, their subjectivity, his conscience, its reason for being, its origin and its purpose.

The knowledge of the individual being who is self with the universal self. The work of Ramon Gallegos covers the part of learning to be not only with the book that bears that name. Much of the dialogues that has sustained with philosophers, psychologists and scholars outstanding diverse Sciences deals with this difficult topic. Since transcend to be linguistic communication is insufficient: what can be said in this regard was said for thousands of years, however (it is necessary to return it to say from time to time under new ways to remember those universal truths (Ramon Gallegos p, 89 El Camino of perennial philosophy) but is also aware that the closest thing to God is silence (p. 79, dialogue with Philip Snow Gang Amor as educational reality in wisdom, love and compassion)). Personally I can say that each book of Ramon Gallegos has been for me a pleasant source of knowledge, motivation for the acquisition of literature about the new science of critical analysis to the work of educator I make impulse toward the revitalization of my existence and my educational practices, guidance for my family relationships of light on the road to be; peace, joy and satisfaction. My vision has been expanded. I have read most of her books. When I re-read a topic, always encounter something new, almost always forces me to seek more information and often moves me to practices to experiences that make me feel good to me and to other people. Many of his books have helped me in my classes of teacher training and support in the development of Bachelor’s thesis. They have also served as support in the elaboration of documents from the University processing especially in relation to the conceptualization of integral education. While its contents are deep and complex, its reading is accessible; Despite the scientific support that they can be handled and personal contacts that the author holds through its dialogues with personalities renowned scientific research, perceived simplicity in the author. Chilpancingo, Guerrero. January 7, 2007 EDUCACION HOLISTA: PEDAGOGY of love UNIVERSAL original author and source of the article



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