Research Projects

Global competitiveness of the technology region Karlsruhe (TRK) continue to promote Karlsruhe, 13.09.2013 – the CyberForum is a partner in two new EU projects, can establish themselves so well on international innovation network. The two projects, focusing on the development and expansion of a pan-European network called UPSIDE”and be wiser”. Thus the regional IT and high-tech industry will be supported still targeted in their internationalisation activities a theme where the CyberForum works closely with the economic development of the city of Karlsruhe. “In the context of UPSIDE” and be wiser “should be also examines the needs of ever-changing IT and high-tech industry and solutions found. Focus on key issues such as mobility, energy efficiency, and now of course above all are IT security”, so Tamara Hogler, Director for International Affairs in the CyberForum. “After ClusteriX” and CentrLab”are UPSIDE” and be wiser ” Research project number three and four, which aimed at promoting the global competitiveness of the local IT industry.

“” Big plus for the region: that in the context of ClusteriX “signed business roaming agreement” focal points for IT companies available in nearly 50 cities of Malmo across London are available worldwide to Hong Kong. Thus can the regional IT industry to use Office and conference rooms, as well as various services of local partner networks. At the same time, access to the technology region Karlsruhe will be significantly easier to companies from Europe, North America, Asia or Australia. CentrLab”is the approach of living Labs” in the foreground: the user whose working and living environment is much more integrated into the development process. This company can better orient their products to market needs. At the same time will arise from such living research environments”new insights that lead to improving the quality of life for the user. They come out CentrLab”findings invested in initiatives such as smarter city Karlsruhe” one, for example, in designing an intelligent transport infrastructure or the development of a self-sufficient city. “” “Promoting the projects each have a duration of three years and CentrLab is promoted by the European Union,” in May 2011 in the framework of the European Fund for regional development (EFRD), be wiser “and UPSIDE” under the 7th research framework programme of the EU in the sphere of coordination and support actions.

About the CyberForum e.V. The CyberForum e.V. is the largest regional active Hightech.Unternehmer.Netzwerk with over 1,000 members. in Germany. In the CyberForum network entrepreneur, founder, creative, research facilities and institutions, students, business angels and trainees. Total members represent over 22,000 jobs. The CyberForum organized 150 events per year to the networks and making further, about InfoMarkte, RoundTables, conferences and workshops. 2012, the events attracted nearly 12,000 visitors. A further focus on their own offers for special target groups: the incubator CyberLab, mentoring & coaching, access to its own network of the investor or the training initiative for trainees. The CyberForum is also involved in clusters and collaborative projects, so it is the regional coordinator of the software cluster for Nordbaden. The software cluster was awarded in the Germanwind of the Federal Government. founded in 1997 as a private public partnership, the CyberForum now employs a team of more than 25 employees.



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