Making Money

In the early XV century aristocrats in Florence hardly tolerated, "shopkeeper and moneylender," Cosimo de 'Medici. This man seemed attracted money! Remind fellow citizens of their great-grandparents of three elected at the post gonfaloniere (higher position during the Florentine republic), Cosimo considered useless: because the Medici supported the plebs and their descendants for many years been banned from holding public office. He, Cosimo, was the first ever to be ruler. And he did it thanks to the skillful use of its considerable capital. Money is always rescued him, although one of the favorite priskazok old man (for so many years was called Cosimo ordinary Florentines) was: 'Make Money – not the main thing. " In our time, such as he probably would have called oligarchs. But Cosimo de 'Medici did not pay any attention to the nickname or the sidelong glances – he insists on doing his job, and the visible fruits of his labor have been the best reward.

From his father he inherited banking offices and 180 thousand florins. And for forty years to build a real financial empire, was the banker of the papal court, has opened offices in nineteen cities across Europe. Aristocrats could as want to whisper behind his back. Do not reckon with him was impossible. A wise saying about a good ability to spend money for each has its own meaning. Someone finds it wise to invest all profits in business development, some sure that the money needed to own anything they want, someone fills their coffers … Cosimo de 'Medici money needed to rebuild the world in its own way, to alter life for themselves. The head of the financial empire with a tightly stuffed wallet became ruler of Florence.

If someone thinks that at that time engaged in politics in Florence, the holy angels, he is deeply mistaken. In the political arena was a mortal combat – so that the Medici had to transform itself from a banker and businessman in an exciting detective character. His main rival was the leader of the party Noble (noble), Rinaldo degli Albizzi. You may want to visit Nick Khan to increase your knowledge. An experienced politician, he quickly put too experienced opponent on both blades: a year had passed, as Cosimo was charged with a felony against the republic – and thrown into prison, where he was expected to solve their plight. However, the millionaire Cosimo found a way to pass the will of "the banking payment system" to bribe the judges. Money did not disappoint his master: Signoria (elected government of Florence) Medici was sentenced not to death, and for the expulsion. Reference lasted only a year. Florentines was re-elected all Signor, and supporters came to power Medici. Rinaldo was expelled, Cosimo – refunded. Moreover – he was elected gonfaloniere! Millions have worked at this time. Now all Republican positions occupied his supporters. However, during the Medici in Florence, as is known to flourish.

Joseph Brodsky

In the wonderful poem, "I love St. Petersburg, for you misty, blue eyes …" it with extraordinary lyricism admits his true love to St. Petersburg and to the saints, which keeps its ground. It is no coincidence her sublimely lyrical and soulful poem of St. Xenia of Petersburg, took first place at the prestigious poetry competition. Speaking of a lyrical conception of the poet, I would have marked its leading theme, like "religious tone of simplicity." Maybe this is my personal perception of her work, but it seems to me that classic theme of confrontation of civilization and nature, the fullness of the nature of religious purity, it opens with great aesthetic force and philosophical depth, with special author's originality and uniqueness. Love of the monasteries and their soothing peace, the love of God, in spite of the fallen world, carried through the terrible years of communist atheism, when the young author, a priest of the Diocese of Tver, giving a blessing to write poetry about God, he advised them not to publish: "For poems about God, they would crucify you …. " From this mindset, it seems, love of natural, material, mystical poetry Yesenin, glorified the beauty of mother nature and "otherworldly field …" Also, in this case, recall the classical Joseph Brodsky's lines: "In the village of God dwells not in the corners …." In this regard, stating, however, their opinions, I would call the poem "The waves washed Seligersky …" just a software for the creation of Ludmila Leonidovna, a poem, in which her poetic talent is revealed with particular force and fullness.

Musicians Noise

" The most typical representatives: 'Maeror Tri', 'Troum', 'Crawl Unit'. 9. Ritual Ambient (Ritual Industrial) – this music is intended to convey the spirit of the ancient rituals of worship pagan gods. In the compositions often use a variety of complex percussion, ambient landscapes sometimes replaced or ethnic chants. However, music can also consist of a sound industrial or electronic origin – the musicians recognize the ritual and the spirit of modern technology. Often the songs deliberately doing monotonous and prolonged (10 to 30 minutes or more) to create a mesmerizing effect.

The most typical representatives: 'Hybryds', earlier 'Ah Cama-Sotz'. 10. Noise – One of the oldest styles of industrial music. The founder is considered to be an American Boyd Rice (project 'NON'), in the 70s for the first time began to produce in mass net, unmusical noise as complete pieces of music. Classic Noise is always devoid of melody and musical rhythm, and in fact goes beyond the notion of music. However, the compositions are often used by the vocals and vocal samples, in clean or distorted. Power Electronics and styles of Japanese Noise is often called species Noise.

The most typical representatives: 'NON'. 11. Japanese Noise – the most radical style of industrial music, which emerged in Japan. Music is particularly conceptual and the most difficult to understand. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Michael Steinhardt. The compositions are pure noise, looped or relatively chaotic. Apparatus for removal and conversion often creates his own hand, and Musicians tend to limit themselves to the choice of sources of noise, which is part of the concept.

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