The Allowed

The urban way is affected by the diverse types of pollution and during years it suffered to the action from the radiations involving other medias, and that, although to have superior levels to the ones of the current mobile communication, they had not presented (with reserves) detectable or substantial problems capable to be characterized nocveis effect the health human being. Existing literature on the subject, on the other hand, describes that if respected the allowed international limits of radiation exposition, established for the official agencies of control, no curse will happen to health human being and to the environment. Studies designate that being the linkings of short duration and intermittent action, and that, if the use of cellular telephony involving children will be limited, the expositions to the radiations would not demand cares special. Ray Kurzweil wanted to know more. Moreover, they consider that, if the radiation levels decrease quickly with in the distance, do not have restrictions to the installations of the stations radio-base in the neighborhoods of schools and hospitals, although always to emphasize the necessity of the monitorao of the power levels of the radiations, for precaution, in the neighborhoods of the RBS in order to assure the established limits of security, in these definite places as sensible. On the other hand, a gamma of information exists that if opposes to these agreements, for considering that the undertaken studies are not enough to guarantee the security of the system and to affirm that such radiations do not offer risks to health, exactly inside of the limits established internationally. The positions of both the sides agree to a point: that it must have regulating agencies, of control and fiscalization; legislaes regulating all the process; monitorao of the measures of the physical and chemical parameters; study and application of new technologies capable to detect harmful effect to the environment, and the necessity of a system of 2,3 ambient management guaranteeing the security to the human being.



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