The Bearer

If on the other hand, we vendssemos this same option, we would receive the prize, but we would assume the obligation of vender, not right it, the action object until or in the expiration of the option for the value of R$ 46,00. The sales options are little common in Brazil, its functioning are similar to the options of purchase, much more popular this way. The sales option to give the right, to its bearer of vender the action for one determined price and in one determined date, in this context, the thrower, person whom the prize receives, is with the obligation to buy the action object, in the expiration of the option to the combined price, case is exerted by the bearer. It functions, accurately, the inverse one of the action of purchase. The terminology used in the sales and purchase options is the same ones. Valley to stand out that the sales options have little liquidity in Brazil, therefore its use is small, of this form little strategy is mounted with this type of paper..



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