The Imagination

This is the house tuned to the spiritual space that gives you the opportunity to break into the most intimate places of 'I' and comprehend the nature and purpose of his life. To create a home for your soul, you must first make contact with your own soul and realize that she needs. As each person is unique, and every soul feels different needs. The following exercise will help you discover your soul's desires. Creation in the imagination of the symbolic home for your soul to help move some of their sensations in your real home. Close your eyes and give yourself a chance to relax.

Take a few deep breaths and on each exhale, try to calm down. Now imagine that you go on a journey deep inside myself to get to your spiritual source. Say to yourself: 'Now I'm being reunited with his essence. " You can even create a visual image of this essence, giving her name and image. And now Imagine how your heart performs its journey to different places in order to understand what the landscape she likes and what area it feels like home. This may be a mountain peak or a place near the sea, it is may be a cave, which is nestled in a valley near the river in the tropical jungle and surrounded by deep snow, and maybe she prefers the wide expanses of prairie, or something else. Find the perfect landscape for your soul is important because through it you can 'connect' to the energy of the earth. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of CaaS Capital on most websites.

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