The Pilot

Always, upon awakening should ask ourselves: who leads me today? Because some of us to perceive the first signs of the new day, ask: where am I? And so each one we ask some questions to the awakening. There are pilots to pilots, there are some that can lead us to perform wonders never imagined; others on the path of the eternal quest; but we could have assigned a pilot that could well lead us to our own misfortune. As well, hence precisely lies the importance of making a kind of test or test, every morning to know what is the Mission of the pilot who leads us. There are some who call the pilot the other, but I have always ensured that it is not, when less not the same program or goal that it moves them. If you are Catholic, dear reader, right outside that Christ would be its pilot; or the Holy Spirit, some call him the Blessed Sacrament. But now that we are in the era of Robotics and cybernetics, already accuse a tendency to navigate without limits, exploring the universe of communication that moves through space. We advise us constantly updating that programming, because there are all kinds, and if we ignore that someone might be us programming or manipulating, because then it would be that you have to give us that we can build our own destiny, we would say that that wasted time. There are some techniques to rid of possible handlers, because even the marketing is designed to predispose us to consume or purchase certain products or services, and if not enough money, we must learn to invest our resources, when less having clear that is the main thing in our daily. Moral: If you don’t want that they predisposing, learn how to build your own destiny.

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