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In the last months we have attended, mainly in the media, true frenesi in relation to the excellent performance of the indices of the electronic commerce in the country (+79%*1). When compared with the weak performance of the traditional physical commerce (+3,2%*2), the difference if becomes still more clamorous and generates a sensation of that we cross a rupture moment, where nothing of what it became before has value in the new model. This is not accurately one absolute truth. The conditions in Brazil sufficiently singular if are compared with the other countries. (Happily) the extinct law that instituted the reserve of market for computer science products (1984-1992), allied to the fall of the purchasing power of the population in the successive economic plans, generated what we call deficit of digital inclusion. This deficit passed to be corrected since the end of the passed decade, and this registered growth now if of the one for a matrix of four factors combined between itself, it differentiates what it of the performance of the too much sectors of the society.



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