Analogical Brownout

The owner of an important provincial newspaper of Spain told his climb me when two years ago they did not grant the license to him for a terrestrial digital television channel. Now, seen the millionaire losses of some local TDT, I am enchanted . And it is that the magnificent flowering of televising channels and its numerous costs of operation already have caused the premature closing of some of them. Even before the implantation of the TDT, televising initiatives of restricted scope, like Localia, were settled with a monumental fiasco. are no teleespectadores for so many channels explains an expert to me in the sector and, less even, advertising market that maintains to them. In addition adds, the young people prefer to unload videos in their PC and already happen to put in front of the television .

That is, that we are before a revolution of the audio-visual thing. I less than say it to three months of than he concludes the analogical blackout in all the towns of Spain, which, or accede to tele by the system of TDT, or simply remain without tasting it. To date of today, without being still led to see it, the 80 percent of the Spanish homes already accedes to the TDT. In some localities, like Barcelona, the system allows the reception of 40 television channels. In Salamanca, only 25, which is not nothing bad, because we have time, humor and interest sufficient to visionar the programming of 25 channels? Nor of coa. Thus it is explained, then, that some administrative concessions not even have started up and that the red numbers have settled in the balance of most of the companies of the sector. From now on, we have seen already it, begin the televising fusions, some even against natura, associating to companies with antagonistic ideological expositions, and a segmentation of the hearing that will fragment the cognitive universe of the personnel. Because, we are going to see, in what they look like the country that show Sixth and the one of Intereconoma? Or the ones of South Tele Madrid and Canal? In case we did not have already little ideological schizophrenia, the conceptual pasty towards which we directed ourselves will be of rdago.



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