Brazilian System

TV Digital and perspective According to a study of the Ibope Nielsen Online, the number of Brazilians that uses actively the Internet in house grew 46% in only two years, adding a total of 55,5 million people with access to the Internet in the country. But although the advance, still less of one fifth of the Brazilian houses is contemplated the Internet (, 2009). Therefore, in the case of the Digital TV, this also it will execute the digital inclusion of the population in the long run, a time that the proposal is that this new vehicle reach a popularizao degree practically equivalent what the traditional televising way has today in the country. The model has as objective to articulate a technology of tip to a reality with many barriers for the digital inclusion, through one ' ' instruction for interatividade' '. In Brazil, beyond getting significant improvement in technology terms, the televising way acquires a technological degree that possibility the complete integration with ciberespao, thus being able to reach a parcel of the population that computer, by itself, does not obtain. In 2006 Brazil adopted the ISDB-T as standard of transmission of Terrestrial Digital TV for the Brazilian System of Televiso Digital (SBTVD). It was opted to the standard of Japanese system, after the evaluation of a series of research carried through throughout 2005, in which diverse proposals of innovations had been made, for the different trusts, in all the layers of the system. In the country, the innovation of bigger prominence was middleware Ginga, developed for the PUC-RJ and the UFPB.

Superior to all the others middlewares of the globe (also the European MHP). The computer program that makes and mediation between software and too much applications, will be the responsible one for making possible the interatividade in the national Digital TV. Art. 6 the SBTVD-T will make possible: I – digital transmission in high definition (HDTV) and definition standard (SDTV); II – simultaneous digital transmission for fixed, mobile and portable reception; III – interatividade.



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