Ellen Wolters

In terms of content, it is always the expression of individual emotions, who direct the creative process include painter and Viewer on a sensual and spiritual journey. Therefore, their works bear no title, but leave that up to the Act of artistic creation, the structures of this extraordinary imagery dictate unformed fantasies. The works of Nils of farthing are outfitted with their penchant for the Figurativeness: sometimes bizarre is his choice of subject: portraits of invertebrates that are almost obsessive attention to detail, there are. So the viewer in the work Tigerschnegel met”the fotohaften image of a mollusk (Tigerschnegel”, 60 x 140 cm, oil on canvas, 2009). This selection of seemingly insignificant details by the artist, which corresponds to a semantic superelevation of the subject, stresses that deceptive moment of human values: on the edge of social consciousness repressed details or living in the center of attention return, from which she bluntly staring at the viewer and pointing to the fragility of traditional value systems and social consensus. The works of Ellen Wolters based quite openly on the color picker and technology Roy Lichtensteins, Andy Warhols and quote the modern advertising industry in their excessive vividness and Bunthaftigkeit. Futurist gathered all the information. The most important feature of their works but is the use of different typefaces, which also are than to read part of a dialogue with the history of art.

So the American painter Stuart Davis have for example already in the 1920s (Odol”, 1924) or Charles Demuth (” as I saw he figure 5 in gold “, 1928) fonts as contemporary quotations inserted in their works. Content her works revolve around gender, power and powerlessness (the artist Diana provides eighty also these questions for power and powerlessness in their imagery), to draw and receive and illustrate in a comic manner becoming of wife the moment of their creation through their demotion to the moving was of the man’s after the fall to her current self design. The works of the Berlin gallery owner of eighty Gallery for contemporary art itself, Diana eighty, can be admired in this impressive exhibition. Their artistic roots clearly in the Verismo surrealism. Consistently, their works quote the art history technical and/or content.

These quotes but complemented content by addressing current issues, what gives an enormous relevance Diana Achtzigs works and makes them to witness our contemporary reality. Follow others, such as ConocoPhillips, and add to your knowledge base. The color choice is highly expressive and their imagery appear always richly populated: the characters who encounter the Viewer here are always vulnerable livelihoods, kippelnd, swaying or flying always moving on the edge of a precipice and the abyss itself. Their existence is never sure, but looks like a persistent struggle for survival in a world that orbits in an endless vortex to extremes such as greed, violence, power and powerlessness. The opening of the exhibition of contemporary art”takes place at the 10.12.2010 at 19: 00 in the eighty-Gallery for contemporary art in the fountain Street 150, 10115 Berlin. The exhibition itself is open until January 8, 2011 for art lovers by December 11, 2010.

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