ICT Countries

A 2010, education in Latin America came with postponed social demands, such as literacy, to be met on a par with the new challenges proposed by the 21st century, among them, the inclusion of information and communication technologies.Both fronts work, are part of the project goals 2021, as the Organizacion de Estados Iberoamericanos, OEI, he has been set to meet over the next decade.In document 2021 educational goals, the organization delivers synthesis of the debate, which for two years have argued the Ibero-American countries.In the countries of the region, says the text, schools that have computer room are, on average, 37.1 percent, while the number of computers per school is 15.8 units.The entry of ICT into school systems, however, a challenge larger which improve the pupil/computer ratio and bandwidth: is the first time that teachers know less than the students, and although these are native Digital must guide them in its use.Students manage the technological resources with naturalness and ease, but not all teachers who are responsible for the technological literacy of their students, are able to be equated in such management, says the text.For Guillermo Sunkel, consultant to the ECLAC Social Development Division, speaking of digital divide not only refers to the access, also the marked differences in the use of technologies.The impacts of technologies depend on the use which they do, programs that are built to use them rather than the technologies themselves, he said.The use of ICT has nothing to do with downloading music or copy and paste. The approximation, according to Sunkel, must be multifunctional, from the technical and the pedagogical. Know to look up information on the internet is not the same that develop analytical abilities to discriminate, synthesize and process information, says the document.How to use technology that has already been reached in the schools?, what so prepared are students to take advantage of them? And more importantly: is being done due to an appropriate teacher training? In our countries, according to the Chilean expert in ICT and education, Hugo Martinez Alvarado, most of the teachers in the school system born when there was no internet, while children who enter primary do not know a disconnected world.The youth of today, he said, learn differently to the yesterday and school learning style is not consistent with the outside. .

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