Language Turbo Pascal

Object-oriented programming language Pascal was invented by N. Wirth in 1968 and was originally intended for teaching students programming skills. Although the creator of the language states that language Pascal is a much more opportunities than just training. Official publication of the language was made in 1970, after which the language became widely known. Over time, began to create a variety of dialects. The very first was a dialect of UCSD Pascal. This dialect has given life to such things as modules, accessing files, strings of different length, and others. In the early 80's by Borland was create a second dialect.

It was used in the programming environment, Turbo Pascal and more expensive environment Borland Pascal. In After 80 years in language capabilities were added to facilitate object-oriented programming. The latest version of Turbo Pascal was officially released in 1992. After her came a new version of the programming language – Delphi. Initially, the language used in the Delphi development environment of Windows. However, the developers at Borland released a product designed for the development of Linux.

This language was named Kylix. After the third version of the latest released Kylix, its development was stopped. The real breakthrough in the development of Pascal was the creation of compilers. They provide more opportunities for programming and have contributed to the portability of programs. For example, the famous, Free Pascal allows you to work in Turbo Pascal and Delphi. There is also a version of the language PascalABC.NET, which is a programming language for the platform, Microsoft.NET. This language was invented in the Southern Federal University, Associate Professor Mikhalkovich. In addition, there are so called language interpreter. For example, Larry Pascal, allowing you to create applications for mobile devices. The development of an interpreter was engaged in a talented developer, but he soon abandoned the development this project and gave the source code to other developers. More information can be found on our Turbo Pascal.

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