Production Printing Products

In order to promote more expensive drugs or products that require presentation – perfumes, cosmetics – is the need for a more interesting optical and printing properties. ion. This may be a white cardboard boxed production of M-Real Galerie Vision (Galerie Vision), with two-layer coating the front side and bleached trafficking. This board can be sealed on both sides, perfectly keeps the paint color. The plump, which makes it possible to use smaller density without loss of quality. The more expensive the product, the more money a manufacturer can spend on improving the packaging – its cost is dissolved in the cost of the goods. Product price increase, but the products will be look much more attractive if its packaging to take a decorative cardboard. Alexander Brown Company offers several collections of European manufacturers of smooth and textured cardboard, white and tinted to mass, metallic, and others. Get more background information with materials from Petra Diamonds. For example, the high demand for the production of luxury packaging for small products – lipstick, and m n are cardboard production designer AUGUST KOEHLER, such as Superwhite Ivory Board or Ultrawhite Ivory Board particularly white color, matte, "satin" or with different types of embossing, cardboard Buff Ivory Board noble shade "Ivory, Marble Cover – cardboard with the texture of marble, white and colored.

The company is also Alexander Brown cardboard production ARJO WIGGINS Conqueror CX 22 – very smooth, and various shades of white, Conqueror Laid Paper – colored cardboard noble stamping "Verger", stained in bulk, Conqueror 100% Cotton – paper and cardboard, which are composed of 100% cotton, Conqueror Concept – Paper and paperboard pearl effect with different shades, cardboard collection Curious Metallics Metal – metallized paper and cardboard, tinted in the mass, Curious Metallics Iridesent – metallized paper and cardboard, pearl effect in different shades. Development of the 'elite' goods identified development of the 'Elite' package. Typically, the circulation of such "luxury" products is small, ranging from 100 to 1,000, but each year the products that use an exclusive, elite package, it becomes more and more. In many cases this manual work (eg, production of boxes for the elite, gift cultivars brandy). From the design of paper packaging made of gift sets of tea and coffee, confectionery, tubes for bottles, containers for champagne, boxes of perfume and jewelry. Dainel CB – color gasket board with flocked surface (velvet), which is based on the color of stained cardboard flocked surface. Contents: Cardboard color 400 gr., glue, PVC plastisol (PVC solution) and viscose. Value of materials: cardboard base – 60% PVC coating – 30% viscose flock – 10%.

Language Turbo Pascal

Object-oriented programming language Pascal was invented by N. Wirth in 1968 and was originally intended for teaching students programming skills. Although the creator of the language states that language Pascal is a much more opportunities than just training. Official publication of the language was made in 1970, after which the language became widely known. Over time, began to create a variety of dialects. The very first was a dialect of UCSD Pascal. This dialect has given life to such things as modules, accessing files, strings of different length, and others. In the early 80's by Borland was create a second dialect.

It was used in the programming environment, Turbo Pascal and more expensive environment Borland Pascal. In After 80 years in language capabilities were added to facilitate object-oriented programming. The latest version of Turbo Pascal was officially released in 1992. After her came a new version of the programming language – Delphi. Initially, the language used in the Delphi development environment of Windows. However, the developers at Borland released a product designed for the development of Linux.

This language was named Kylix. After the third version of the latest released Kylix, its development was stopped. The real breakthrough in the development of Pascal was the creation of compilers. They provide more opportunities for programming and have contributed to the portability of programs. For example, the famous, Free Pascal allows you to work in Turbo Pascal and Delphi. There is also a version of the language PascalABC.NET, which is a programming language for the platform, Microsoft.NET. This language was invented in the Southern Federal University, Associate Professor Mikhalkovich. In addition, there are so called language interpreter. For example, Larry Pascal, allowing you to create applications for mobile devices. The development of an interpreter was engaged in a talented developer, but he soon abandoned the development this project and gave the source code to other developers. More information can be found on our Turbo Pascal.

Colored Plastic

The need for plastics coloration appeared due to the increasing interest among ordinary people to all the bright, color, colorful. Scientists have shown that due to the peculiarities of his mind, each person pays attention on such "juicy" items. And it does not matter what it is: food packaging, packaging items, or a device, the main thing – the subject should be bright to attract our attention. Coloration of plastics particularly important when establishing the degree of packing. Coloration of plastics produced in several ways: dyes are used, concentrates, masterbatches, concentrates pigments, masterbatches (masterbatches), various builders. Often, to give a specific polymer properties such as resistance to UV, stain resistant and trudnogoryuchesti possible to use mixtures of these substances, but in this case pigments can alter the characteristics of each other. In addition, all materials used for coloring plastics, differ depending on the application, for example, for molding products under pressure film extrusion, etc. ge. Concentrates, masterbatches, masterbatches (masterbatch, masterbatches), concentrated pigments for coloring plastics are made by firms in accordance with color catalogs, as RAL, HKS, Pantone, NCS, etc.

But today domestic and foreign firms producing concentrates, masterbatches, masterbatches (masterbatch, masterbatches), concentrated pigments for coloring plastics is constantly increasing the number of items, number of colors, color effects, purpose and quality modifying additives. In addition, they often go to meet our customers and produce concentrates, masterbatches, masterbatches (masterbatch, masterbatches), concentrated pigments for coloring plastics and to order customer's requirements. For example, the St. Petersburg company SPC "Leopard 2", working in the field of coloring of plastics in 1992, thanks equipped with the latest technology laboratory capable of creating a unique color, with a special tone or hue.

Cyber Internet

But even in such models, if necessary, the head rigidly fixed, and becomes stationary. Glaziers to cut circles and ovals to cut the right circles and ovals are designed tsirkuleobraznye glaziers and even a system of several instruments. The easiest “compass” is a structure consisting of a suction cup, firmly fixed on the glass, adjustable scale that allows to set desired radius, and directly glaziers – usually oil. To get an oval using a system consisting of perpendicular to one another rod with suction cups and glass cutter. The radii are chosen so that their intersection gave the correct oval, and then the work is done by cutting and extraction of the desired element glass.

Working with glass-cutting works should be carried out on a flat surface, and the glass itself must be clean and completely dry: the smallest particles of dirt quickly lead glass cutter into disrepair. Diamond glass cutter takes a pencil at the base of the handle, and easy movement, without pressure, hold the line on the ruler or pattern. Ideally, should turn out fine, shallow and almost invisible incision, scratch. Characteristic crackling sound when moving the tool says that everything is done correctly. In contrast to the diamond, the glass cutter roller to be pressed harder.

Line-cut turns white and deeper. But, whatever the glass-works were not carried out, remember that you to re-cut on the same line can not. 3-5 mm By the end of the cutting tool to reduce the pressure to prevent the descent of the tool with a cutting surface and damage the edges of the edge of the glass. After receiving the cut glass breaking on the edge of the table or by a planted a ruler. Simplify the process can be easily tapping the glass with the underside of the rim of glass cutter: if the crack is deep and break easily. Narrow strips break off with pliers or side slits in tool holder glass cutter. Industrial cutting glass screw Different models are good at low volumes of work or working in the field – glazing country cottage, apartments, greenhouses, etc. In the industrial scale, for example, production of glass for plastic or wooden windows, more efficient use of specialized equipment to get a few cubic meters of chopped glass per day. Such equipment are programmable mechanical stekloreznye machines, laser cutting installation and setup for sand and water-jet cutting glass. The latter two are considered most effective because it does not melted glass edges, allow for precision cutting. Of course, to acquire such devices makes sense for the organization of its own production. And while the case is limited to the periodic need to cut out the individual elements of glass, is to attend to the purchase of a good glass cutter. The price range of these tools allows you to choose the right model for people with any level of income. However, remember that should save wisely, so buy better tools in specialized stores, but not in the market with it – a dubious sellers. Indeed, in this case it may be that instead of bargain you expect disappointment and again need to go looking for glaziers. Article provided by January 10th, 2014 | News | Tags: , | Comments Off on Cyber Internet

Interior Decorating

The doorway is so simple and boring, but so much attention it draws to itself the solution to this problem is, and it is called the arch-interior – is not just a decorative element of the interior instead of doors. Through the arches of the Noble woods easily give a room a home or office is another 'sound', to reveal its 'soul'. There are many ways to give your abode a certain charm through the use of custom arches. The best of these ways – lighting decorative arch at the expense of lighting fixtures of different designs. Bulbs can be placed inside the arch, cutting them in an arched panel, and outside, highlighting the texture of wood and lighting the opening arch different shades of color. Night metropolis – one of the most exciting spectacles in the world. You've probably seen and admired the beauty of the night of St.

Petersburg or Moscow, where buildings, churches, bridges, museums, illuminated by the light, turn city of glass, concrete and metal into something amazing. Through proper lighting can highlight not only the silhouettes of buildings, which are very beautiful, but also to highlight the details of designs that even an ordinary gray concrete building will sparkling wonder. You can control the tone, color, saturation of colors to give a unique effect. However, the same thing, only on a smaller scale, you can create at home. The effect of lighting and interior elements for a long time and is actively used in kitchens, shelves, suspended ceilings and mirrors. But in the decorative arches, because the doorways separate room lighting makes them competent interior arch and very beautiful unique design element, a kind of glittering portal, attracting the attention of visitors.

The effect is increased because the arches, illuminated from within, made of natural wood, and create a beautiful pattern of beech, oak patterns or divorce mahogany … Shining like an arch fills your breath, she, too, has a soul. And do not you understand – this arch is made from wood or created from bright light … And it seems you're not in a concrete cell, but in a perfect world, full of shine. Often people make the mistake of associating the word 'arch interroom' with casing made of wood in the wall opening. Invented a lot of options for the use of technology products are not only arch for openings. Portions of the arches can be used anywhere and in any way, in any combination with other wood elements, how the railing, doors and windows facing recesses and protrusions in the wall of shelves. Production methods and installation of decorative wooden arches are designed so that their application is limited only by imagination. Repairs to office or apartment does not have to become uninteresting hard work. On the contrary, will give you joy because you are creating perfect for you and your family for life. There are many uses for this arch. It is interesting to combine interior arches and stained glass, illuminated, wood and glass doors cashing capitals … And how beautiful it is your home look like a plant in an arched alcove, lit with an inner light.

Useful Tools

The proportions of bentonite solution for different types of soil are very important, since a significant impact on the success of the work on laying pipe. Working platform should be provided with water, ie, either on-site in the area is available at the fire hydrant or water supply is provided by mobile. Another essential tool for work – welding machine. For welding and subsequent pulling of pipes HDPE necessary quality welding equipment. Installing drives off the trawler and its course is set at the work site with the rear stabilizers and a system anchoring. Construction of underground communications technology horizontal directional drilling (HDD) construction of underground utilities on the technology of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a three- phases: drilling a pilot hole, a progressive increase of the well, pulling the pipe.

Drilling of pilot hole drilling a pilot hole made by the drill bit. In front of the rig head with a bevel cutting tool is installed. Inside the drill head is a probe of the location. At the expense of the bevel and the probe is managed by drilling. Control over the location of the drill bit carried out by means of locations consisting of a receiver (radar), which receives and processes signals integrated into the body of drill bit of the transmitter (the probe) and monitor the operator at the facility, duplicate readings locator. The operator of the locator should be on the surface of the drill head with the tip located in the ground. To monitor the radar display information about the situation on the clock, slope and depth of the probe.

Multichannel Digital Video Recorders

New digital video recorders can be supplied from the HDD capacity from 250 GB to 8000 and equipped with a DVD-drive. They can record video in H.264 at up to 200 / 400 / s and a resolution of 704×576 to (4CIF) pixels. 5 modes, support for the remote administration and management via Ethernet PTZ-cameras. In addition, the new recorders are 3 USB-ports, 2 audio and alarm interfaces for connecting safety sensors and actuators. For the organization large-scale video surveillance systems can be combined up to 100 digital models of a new series within a single network. Thanks to this video recorders should be used in the video shopping centers, underground railroad stations and other facilities if you need to create a large analog video system with the ability to connect to it IP-based cameras.

To configure and manage the network DVRs DX4700/4800 integrated into a proprietary system Pelco Digital Sentry, which provides ample opportunity to configure the equipment, management, monitoring, recording / video search, etc. from a single location. DX4700/4800 lineup includes a 4 hybrid DVR, two of which (DX4716 and DX4816) can take video with 16 analog and 2 network cameras, and DX4708 DX4808 and 8 and 2, respectively. Regardless of the model, the digital video compression algorithm supports H.264, the resolution Recording CIF (352×288 pix.), 2CIF (704h288 pix.) and 4 CIF (704×576 pix.). The maximum recording speed for models DX4708 DX4716 and at different resolutions is to 200/100/50 / s 400/200/96 c / s, and the DX4808 and DX4816 – 200 and 400 k / s, regardless of the selected resolution. Recording video from surveillance cameras in DX4700/4800 carried out on the built-in hard drives such as SATA, capacity of which can be 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 or 8000 GB, and selected based on the requirements of the CCTV system. In particular, the needed capacity is determined by the archive requirements for image quality recording modes used and the time store video archives.

If necessary, digital video recorders allow you to select modes such as continuous recording, scheduled recording, and motion is detected, the signal from the alarm input and other events. In addition, new digital models are equipped with DVD-drive for recording video clips to CD / DVD-discs, and can record information on external storage devices, connected via USB-port. For remote control of PTZ-PTZ functions, such well known brands like Axis, Bosch, JVC, Smartec and others, DVRs are equipped with ports RS-232/485. DX4700/4800 supports a long list of protocols, telemetry, including Pelco C / D / P, Coaxitron, Bosch Autodome, Ganz DSCP, Ganz P360V1, Kalatel Cyberdome, LG Multix, LG SD168, Panasonic CS850 and Samsung SCC. At the same pan, tilt PTZ-camera and zoom control of digital video recorders allow you to perform with a special keyboard or joystick jog-shuttle, located on their front panel. To effectively use in security systems new Pelco DVRs have inputs and alarm outputs for external alarm sensors and control actuators. So DX4708 DVR is 8 / 2 I / O Alarm, DX4716 – 16 / 2, DX4808 – 8 / 4, and DX4816 – 16 / 4. To eliminate false alarms can be programmed algorithms reactions that DVRs will activate in the event of an alarm event.

Rolling Stones

In early October in Moscow hosted the annual exhibition showcasing the latest achievements of audio and video industry. Now it is called Premium Hi-Fi & Home Theatre 2008", so that the emphasis on luxury segment is obvious. Preliminary relocation of youth-media technology in the "Crocus Expo" has benefited, and the exhibitors and visitors. And really, this time considerably diminished idle audience that filled the "Congress Hotel" in previous years. Visitors generally decreased, but this seems to asked questions, and bearable estimated to have been highly targeted audience.

A characteristic feature of the new format – an abundance of tube amps and turntables, the "correct" music (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Doors, Rolling Stones) and a negligible amount of dark rooms with roaring multichannel theaters. And those that were not showing "The Fifth Element", and especially music DVD. And what does it is encouraging, it was a lot of good, and sometimes wonderful sound. And it is in hotel rooms that were previously considered unsuitable even for demonstration hi-fi average. As one of the participants with whom I shared my observations, "the client has learned to listen.

Now it's just beautiful lamps and piano lacquer no fetch. " Came many foreign representatives (interviews with some of them see below), and most of them were optimistic – a black cloud then only the global crisis on the horizon appeared. When writing these lines, all were covered with his head already, and what will happen next is unclear. Though by all accounts it was pre-miumny segment is experiencing minimal disruption – expensive equipment purchased by distributors, not on credit, and to order the full prepayment. I remember in the 1998 mass technique tightly locked up in stores, while sales of plasma panels increased. And now the greatest difficulty have to refinance commercial networks, which have nothing to buy goods. At the same time praised the heroism and the organizers of listening: to bring Peter out of a load, unpack, and three days to send back – quite a feat.

Marine Research

Siguryonsson, T. Sigurdsson Institute of Marine Research, Reykjavik, Iceland is generally accepted that, in addition to data on fishing activities for the effective management of fish stocks is very important biological data. The required level of knowledge depends on the particular species of fish and intensity of exploitation reserves. This paper focuses on three main examples fisheries management of the Northeast Atlantic: fishing letnenerestuyuschey herring off Iceland, the Icelandic cod fishery and the pelagic fishery for redfish in the Irminger Sea. Managing a local herring stock letnenerestuyuschey by means of long-accepted fishing strategy, based on the optimal level of exploitation (F0, 1), which resulted in full restoration of previously eroded the stock of herring in the last 30 years and reached a relatively stable catch, not reacting to fluctuations in recruitment, commercial factors, or mistakes in evaluating a stock.

Icelandic cod stock was subjected to intensive use for over 50 years. It still represents the single most important stock exploitation and managed by Iceland. For decades, this craft carefully tracked and studied. In the past 10 years, the management of this reserve in accordance with clearly designated and approved strategy of long-term yield, developed by biologists and economists together with representatives of the fishing industry. This increased the efficiency of inventory management, but requires more serious measures to ensure more rational use of stock due to excessively high intensity of fishing for a long time, and increased uncertainty in stock assessment than expected. International fishing pelagic Irminger Sea perch is an example of how the scientific basis remains unsatisfactory despite the considerable efforts of scientists, made in recent years. Here we can not just answer a question about the status of the stock, while our knowledge about the reproduction of the stock is very limited. This suggests a more cautious approach in the management of reserves than was made previously.

Thus, the stock is in a dangerous condition due to poor management caused by the lack of scientific knowledge and insufficient response to the relevant authorities. These three control schemes show how important evidence-based biological data about exploited stocks in order to achieve effective management. They suggest that moderately exploited stocks is much less responsive to excessive operation related to mismanagement or lack of scientific knowledge about their basic parameters than the supply, constantly subjected to over-exploitation. In addition, they show the need to integrate signs of over-exploitation or insufficient scientific data to implement the precautionary approach in determining management measures. FISHING IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC: REALITY AND PROSPECTS.

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