
The conveners of Madrid believe that people act by conviction, not because any prohibited by Board and advances that regardless of what you decide the Board they continue with their demands and their camping, reported Marta Bac. However, people like Delia, a treinteanera who works in the world of communication, if approached Sun as soon as he learned that the concentration had been banned. Grabbed me a tremendous anger and I went there after Curran and didn’t go eh?, explains. Is your representative case of what can happen if concentrations are prohibited? For the sociologist Angel Gordo, director of the complutense research on cyberculture and social movements group, this movement of 15-M is independent and is above the prohibition. His vindication goes beyond policy and explains that for the same reason these manifestations do not they are in contradiction with the day of reflection.It’s a civil Act, is not campaign for any party, they are not based on any parliamentary politics, why are legitimate, defends Gordo. To this sociologist, it is important to note that you it’s a movement that is not merely juvenile, is a collective malaise that goes beyond, is much deeper and is not something improvised. Sociologist and researcher Juan Diaz Nicolas, sees difficult to pronounce on what will happen and is questioned whether or not prohibit demonstrations: the majority of people there is good faith, going to dnder their rights. It is a very heterogeneous group, with a real base: the total situation of desperation of youth.

Then there will be who attempt to take advantage of the situation and lend the Ember to its sardine, but time will tell. If the movement died the day of the elections we will know it was something seasonal, coupled with the election of the day 22 and that someone wanted to benefit, if it continues we will know that he was on the sidelines, but now neither know nor I can tell who benefits and who is detrimental, because even the publication of polls can influence. The teacher warns in addition to a risk: erring on the recipient of the protests, which we call a displaced aggression within the frustracion-agresion hypothesis. Someone makes me something and pay it with the dog. For the Professor of sociology at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Roberto Barbeito, the prohibition generates ctos varied depending on place and time and has unpredictable ctos, although he believes that in this particular case it would be counterproductive and would encourage many who had not yet had decided, moreover, explains, there is a need that young people express themselves and now have nothing to lose compensates them more leave than stay at home. If there is a calculation of the cost, is that the benefit is greater. There are 5 million unemployed, four of every ten young people have no work, the news about the future are disturbing, express themselves has become a necessity.The ban would be a blunder, he continues, the day of reflection affects parties attending the elections; but in these demonstrations do not vote is asking for anyone, is not the case, and, in addition, there is precedent for manifestations of a general nature and non-partisan before the elections, as that occurred following the 11-M attacks. Source of the news:: cto Streisand at the 15-M or how to get more support if the demonstrations are prohibited

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