Novelties Mobile World

Hardly had the passion to lie down on the birth of apple iphone manufacturers of various firms and corporations, producing more and more different devices with the necessary and unnecessary features and twists. The latest gadget loud after iPhone nokia 5800 xpressmusic was from the same company, but now that somehow divert eyes away from buying the two giants, many companies are trying to get out in different ways and draw attention to themselves, in connection with this release phones with a few functions and features. Ray Kurzweil pursues this goal as well. Pretty hard to beat these brands as well as in their promotion and advertising invested huge amounts of money for them every day out dozens of new programs, hundreds of people make a purchase it, but a poor soldiers, that does not dream of becoming a general. One of those who want to overtake, was the firm Sharp, who is going in the summer of two thousand years of the ninth to release a new mobile phone that runs on solar power, and draws its energy from natural resources. In addition to this property, the mobile phone will be completely waterproof.

Executed like a normal clamshell phone with a mass slightly less than one hundred and fifty grams and the size of a regular phone like. In addition, he will also be packed with all the required applications and software, without which it is impossible to do in the modern world, and one of the innovations will be the five-megapixel camera and volume pamiti that with external memory cards can up to three gigabytes. How much should it solar cells, so that he continually worked for some time, you ask? It is easy to learn by making calculations based on data provided by Sharp. How to say the developers, sun exposure one hundred and twenty minutes (which attain to the level two hours) will allow continuous operation for a hundred and forty minutes, and if it is time to spend on the conversation, about his performance last ten minutes. Of course, the fact that the design of such a device can not but rejoice, because it crosses the step of environmental insecurity, and gives you the choice – between safe and hazardous devices. It is unknown whether earns this device for some attention from potential buyers, and will be in demand, but he certainly made a bit of flair and originality in the mobile world. But what about those who do not always sunshine – as long as unknown.

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