International Union

It also understands practises it in the taking of decisions and the elaboration of a code of behaviors concerning the questions related with the quality of the environment ' ' (Meeting The International on EA of the IUCN- International Union for Conservation of the Nature, Paris, 1970). v the Ambient Education is ' ' the educative process that including the school, in all the levels and the society as a whole, is tied the notion of having, that is, of moral obligation to make the good and to prevent the evil and to obey the laws established for coletividade' ' (BRAZIL. Ministry of the Education, 1985). 1,3 ECOCIDADANIA IN the PERTAINING TO SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT According to DIAZ (2002). The Ambient Education in the school is of utmost educative and social importance, that has for purpose the construction of values, concepts, abilities and attitudes that make possible the agreement of the reality of the life.

In this direction, it contributes for the attempt of implementation of distinct a civilizacional and societrio standard of the effective one, pautado in new ethics of the relation society-nature. The school is a privileged place for the accomplishment of the ambient education, therefore it is emphasized in this space reasons for preservation of the school and the importance of aesthetic and the cultural values that keeps the environment, standing out the reasons of the good appearance of the school, therefore is of it that it forms capable citizens of if relating economically and culturally with the humanity. The years that the school produces garbage almost that 70% reciclvel, without no care in the final destination. From the work developed in the school the community is possible to involve all on the residues that harm the environment. Being Brazil it plays 183 million tons of urban garbage to the year, being that 1 million of people works with the urban garbage recycling.



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